rapture fuckin radio!

thats right a streaming metal radio show on your website for absolutly nothing!
this is wes from rapture radio and i want to offer my radio station to all of you to put on your web page for absolutly nothing man i just want to be heard and push underground music!
hey evryone wes here from rapture radio,
first le me invite all of you who have web pages to feel free to put rapture radio up on your mainpage and let everyone accsess it i dont even care if you say its your station,i am doing this for the people who go to websites to get a great station full of killer music with an amazing playlist for absolutly free,i am also interested in pushing the underground bands music as far as i can but without listners none of the goals can be accomplished.
now we are getting a good amount of listners about 200 hours of listning time in a month is not bad at all but with all of your help and alot of support we can take this to an extreme level and i plan on including all of you in the benifits if the station blows up your site will benifit from it just in hits alone and the more people we have listning the more people hear the underground music!
so feel free to tell who you want link it up to your mainpage and please be a supporter of this radio station!
all of your kind help is much appreciated and if you do link me up please make sure and let me know so i can keep you up to date with playlist changes top 10 etc.....
right now the show is 4 hours long rotating over and over so no one will hear the same song twice unless the listen for more than 4 hours and the forum is located at the ultimate metal forums and is in need of some meberships!
listen its free for you and free for them!
http://www.live365.com/stations/wesjaques?play (link it up!!!!!)

wes jaques/rapture radio

and bands if you want to get your music played on rapture radio contact me at wesjaques@earthlink.net for my mail address and we will for sure get you into the playlist!
check the website also for contact
http://home details.earthlink.net/~wesjaques
Bah, my 56k is not good for streaming things. I love that you are playing a lot of the end records' artists, though. Keep up the good work, metal-observer reject. :grin:
well just to let everyone know how rapture radio is doing stats wise i will keep this updated monthly!
firstly rthsnks to everyone for listning and keep spreadin the rapture sickness!
since inception on october 18th we have had 518 listners from over 20 contries with the united states,canada and germany leading the way but brazil the united kingdoms and swden creeping their way up!
average listning time is 40:00 minutes!
remember the entire show is 4 hours long so the possability of hearing the same song twice is very unlikely.
we have 2 confermed labels who have added us to their promo list and 5 underground bands sending their material to be played on the rapture radio.
make sure if you know any bands who want worldwide exposure on rapture to send them to www.raptureradio.net.

thanks again and keep listning and promote your asses off the more listners we have the better the station can be!
thanks to all of you!

wes jaques/rapture radio
im not going to bash tmo however without sounding cocky i think now they lack personality,they are just like everyone else and when they lost me they lost 500 reviews articles and interviews etc....
i left because they were too interested in being p.c. and im about honesty.
the politics at tmo are unknown by the public and its sad what is going on ther whowever i think they will continue to be successfull because now they are like everyone else and people dig on processed things.
i wish them the best of luck but after 32 years of deication and doing p/r and the radio show and getting their advertising started not to mention being the second highest promo person with them and then getting blacklisted by them i hasve nothing else to do with them.
rapture radio will have all of my reviews from tmo up plus new writings as well.
so guerrilla come check out www.raptureradio.net
"so have you listened to the rapture radio"

I shall answer that with a quote of my own:

"my 56k is not good for streaming things."

"how do you know about tmo?"

Really, I'm not sure....I think it's when they were changing the format of their website or whatever, and someone told me to go there and vote. So I did that, and then checked the site out.
just added to the rotation at rapture radio(www.raptureradio.net)
horned god
dead silent slumber
agoraphobic nosebleed

and a little insider note if you have never checked out swedens legion holy jesus fucking christ they kill! i just got their newest release their first full length
"unseen to creation"my god i have not been shredded in as many pieces since i first heard dissection!
legion's "knee deep in blood" is currently featured in the rapture rotation!
wes/rapture radio