Rare Pro Tools Error (rare in my case) :(

Fox Mulder

The Truth Is Out There
Jan 22, 2009
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pro Tools M-Powered 7.4 cs2
I've been using this version of PT for the past 2 years or so but this is the first time I've come across this error. This only happens in between a session while I'm messing around with the plugins, btw. Kindly take a look at the image.


I haven't tried a clean re-install as of yet. I'll try doing that ASAP.


I've re-installed. Took care of the Visual C++ problem.
Now I come across this while toggling between plugs. Plugs that I've had for about more than a year now. Errors that I'm facing today :S Wonder what I did to my PC.

I tried re-installing PT, also the rest of my plugs. Didn't help. So I formatted the fuck out of my PC. Currently re-installing everything. Oh well, it's been 2yrs since I've last done that, so yeh, Billy Goat sucks ass. Can't wait till I get myself a MAC. :(