Rate My Dark Metal Song!


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
hey guys

ive been up all night working on some new music and im kinda unsure about it

Check it out , sorry its quite a big file but that also means 320kbs sound quality :) i know the mix probably aint all that great but ive done feck all to it at the moment

im more interested in what you guys think of the song writing and if it moves you or not ya know?

cheers fellas
Sounded good man, once again it really reminded me of Katatonia, all it needs is Jonas! The only thing I'd say is that the Drums sounded almost too polished and sterile compared to the rest of the mix, maybe throw on a bit more Reverb on the snare and toms.
guitars are sounding a bit thin, but well played. the china on the left needs some reverb or longer sustain if you can muster that up.

could use more in the bottom end department, bass line or more from the bass drums. other than that it's pretty good. nice and clean sounding, you've certainly kept it from being muddy *thumbs up*
Sounded good man, once again it really reminded me of Katatonia, all it needs is Jonas! The only thing I'd say is that the Drums sounded almost too polished and sterile compared to the rest of the mix, maybe throw on a bit more Reverb on the snare and toms.

For me, Thats the best compliment i could get! Thanks a shit load :kickass:
im really gonna work on the drums as i totaly didnt hear that till you mentioned it and its actuly really bad haha once ive finished these mixes boy will i have a surprise for you guys :p

maybe people are skipping this cuz you can't hear it directly but have to download. I'm abit like that, sorry... :erk:
...yeah, my fault really i know its just really annoying that soundclick cuts off the tail end of your song if you upload it at 320kbs, next time ill upload it somewhere else tho :)

guitars are sounding a bit thin, but well played. the china on the left needs some reverb or longer sustain if you can muster that up.

could use more in the bottom end department, bass line or more from the bass drums. other than that it's pretty good. nice and clean sounding, you've certainly kept it from being muddy *thumbs up*
Yeah theres no bass yet cuz i havent sent the tracks to the bass player yet so thats the lack of bass you mention. yeah im really gonna work on the reverb on the drums ive been really unhappy with thier depth so time to go to work on them!
