Rate My Electro-Pop Mix (WARNING : NON_METAL!!!)

one thing i would try is using a doubler mayber on the chrous or something to do some split harmonization
Thanks Ryan, glad you like it.

Any synth doubling was done with the Logic stock synths, mostly ES2 and ES1, maybe some of the ESX24 Sampler in there too. The synths the client used were good, but needed to be doubled up for more impact.

in terms of plugins, theres a lot of Logic stock plugins, such as the Channel EQ and Compressor, and i'm sure i used the stock Overdrive unit somewhere. and a few of the channels had the Tape Delay plugin set up purely as a tape saturator, no delay.

but there are a few instances of PodFarm Platinum and a lot of the IK Multimedia T-Racks Singles, god i love those things. pretty sure i snuck in a tiny bit of Breverb aM Edition too.

If you'd like i could go into a bit more detail on what was used where.

yeah, in retrospect, the chorus could do with a little "more", but i've signed off on it and its done, live and learn eh? :)

Any chance of an in-depth Critique if you have the time?