Rate my first Drumtrack, Parkway Drive-ish !


Jul 8, 2010
Alright, so this is my first drumtrack. I read alot on these forums and I tried to do the best I could with what I had.

Don't tell me that the drum sounds way to programmed. I know it. I did no triggering and I used Superior Drummer 2.0 with samples on the kick and snare. OHs are Addictive Drums.

I'm here to learn and I would like you to tell me what to improve on these drums. Thanks !! :)

automate the snare reverb, some times there is too much reverb
but i say they are pretty good =]
the snare sound is too boxy imo... and you should practice to mix drum with bass and guitars...because it rly doesn't mean very much if the drums sound good on their own...

But if it's only the drum sound you want to listen too then i would make something about that boxy snare and a differente reverb... And change that kick sound, it's too plastic. Play with velocity and try to humanize the drums...it brings a lot to the overall sound! imo
Thanks for your tips. In fact, it's the exact same snare of the album horizons ans the same kick of the album deep blue. And you're right about the mixing. It may sound decent on its own but when I try to mix the guitars and bass, it really doesn't sit properly.