Rate My Mix- Attack!Attack! style

Apr 4, 2011

My most recent mix of a project i'm writing, performing and producing. Inspiration from Attack! Attack!'s heavier, non-sythy tracks. Feedback would be greatly appreciated =)

Cheers x
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too many reverse snares imo, one or two per track is cool but theres a point where it beomes tacky
Subdrops and reverse snares are not lead instruments :lol:

I'd say focus on the instruments being tight, together and balanced. Snare seems slightly too prominent and guitars would benefit from a nice bit of editing. Everything would sound more glued with a bit o' compression too.
way way way way way too much bass guitar. decent guitar tone though, what was your chain for it, including the interface?
The reverse snare/subdrop rape aside I remember when I listened to it yesterday that it was sounding very flat.. like I could not feel the energy moving the song forward, it just dident punch/gell very well.

Could just be me tho.
The reverse snare didn't bother me at all in the ending break. But in the beginning there was just a littlebit too much. And subdrops usualy don't bother me at all. I tend to think them as instruments. Not lead but still instruments.

EDIT: And oh yeah.. The guitars sound good. OR actually everythig souds good but a bit powerless.
thanks for the feedback guys, really do appreciate it =)

think i'll calm it down abit on the bassdrop and reverse snare side haha

@spencerlogan- whole guitar chain is- schecter c1 hellraiser > Line 6 UX2 > PF2 (cali diamond, treadplate) > EQ (alot of it) > PSP vintage warmer > C4 multiband compression