rate my mix please, release in two days!!


May 30, 2007
guitars are doubletracked (one perfomance per side, hard panned)

guitar is a ltd 1000 mh horizon (or so...) with a engl powerball.

each perfomance is split-recorded on two tracks, one powerball lineout (most of the signal, with some fredman impuls) and one track toneport gearbox (only the high signal)

powerball: highpass @ 150hz (fullrange so to say)
gearbox: highpass @ 740hz (only highrange to get the software distortion presence)

vocals just have compression and a slight bit of tube saturation on it. recorded whit a crappy t-bone 1000 big condenser mic. plus highcut @ 7000 to get the sm58 flair, but not that much like an acutal sm58

but theres a crazy thing with the drums going on, can read everything in this thread:


(no overheads, no room mics, everything closemiced underneath the cymbals)

vocals have different groupcompressions, one group for the lows and one bus for the highs, so that the highs dont effect the dynamics of the lows.
The mix itself is cool, but I find the track too crushed by the “mastering” compressor. I know people like it loud, but when the distortion is audible, it’s time to turn the thres knob down :).
One last negligible recommendation: try removing a little more info in the sub-30 Hz range.
Sounds good. Love that snare. Can't stand this kind of myspace deathcore though.

lol the band is called Far from Horizon. I beg to differ! they are pretty close to bring me the Horizon HAHA.

But well done to you xconnyx, the quality is awesome and beats the production on Bring me the Horizon's last release (guitars sounded like shit).