rate my mix :)

There are some oscilations in the sound, it seems pumping here and there. Take a look at the compressor/limiter. The mix sounds good.
automate that snare, it's seriously overpowering in the blast sections, especially at the start, also sounds like there's a bit of pumping, not sure if it's the overheads or the master buss. Bttom end also completely disappears when it goes into the trem picked part, although i'm listening on laptop speakers while my stream of bones loads
The snare is way to loud compared to everything else at the beginning, even in the blast sections where normally most drummers lose a little volume. The whole thing is compressed/limited to hard like Nuno said, in the vocal sections the snare disapears, maybe it's a drumbuss thing all together. Glue the drums together before the master too prevent the pumping. Guitars sound good, but could be clearer. But that depends heavily on how the performance was in the first place. Vocals sound a little bit too dry for my taste.
I really think this would sound dope if you just turned down the snare and mixed in a LITTLE of a sample. Every time the snare is hit, the compression makes the cymbal bleed in really hard. That's probably what some of the "pumping" people hear is, the cymbal bleed coming in on every snare hit. It's also just pumping in general a little but you said you were redoing the master so that may be good now.

I get if you don't want to, or more importantly if the band doesn't want to, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.