Ola's song has a nice punch to it, but I'm not loving how the drums feel a bit detached. Overall the mix is quite balanced. I like that part a lot.

Jonas's recording sounds very nice. The drums are a bit distracting- it sounds like there is a timing issue. The vocal is a little dull compared to the guitar and a little too upfront.

I don't have major gripes with either at all. Nice job.
I've noticed my biggest challenge is to get individual tones all fitting in a mix, especially regarding drums. In Ola's song, it's either that or simply a bit too much volume, or maybe a bit of both (snare and kick). I'll try to work on that.

For Jonas' recording, I'll check the drum tracks, there might be a slight timing issue. I made the vocal maybe a bit too much radio-loud, I'll get it back in the mix and brighten it up a bit to fit the guitars.

Thanks a lot Greg, means a lot coming from you.

Please keep the opinions coming. :)
I've noticed my biggest challenge is to get individual tones all fitting in a mix, especially regarding drums. In Ola's song, it's either that or simply a bit too much volume, or maybe a bit of both (snare and kick). I'll try to work on that.

I've never really got master bus compression working right, but lately I've been using PSP mixbus compressor, just taking off 1.5 maybe 2db MAX (anymore and it starts pumping REALLY badly, its very sensitive), and that's really making my drums sit a whole lot better, plus they survive the whole clipping/limiting regime a lot better too. See if you can get your hands on a demo or something.. the compressor that you're using affects your results hugely, no other compressor I have sounds good on masterbus and until now I've just had nothing but clipping/limiting on there.

Haven't actually listened to your mixes tho, will when I get a chance.
I've been using various stages of compression, but I'll check exactly how much dB they take off later on, every one is slightly compressing in order to avoid pumping.

I'll try a demo of PSP mixbus, I'm a big fan of Vintage Warmer so I'm already interested in that plugin.

Thanks Morgan!