Rate this mix PLEASE!

You like In Flames, don't you ? :)

The overall sound is good. I like the bass grit and the guitar tone.
Maybe a lack of low end on the bass guitar. There is also a resonance on the racktoms I don't really like. You can hear it during the drum intro.
I can hear your master chain pumping or maybe it's my shitty headphone I'm listening with right now :rofl:
Very good work and nice playing too. Some vocals on this would be killer !

Do you mind sharing .... hummm ... all you use/did :)
as captainboom pointed out, way way waaaayyy too much compression. But the overall mix sounds pretty damn perfect to me.
Really nice man! (though a lil' bit too compressed imo). Love the guitar tone and good song too. What amp/cab?
much better but still too much comp imo. the kick has some farting cardboard sound in the sample, maybe you want to check that. interestingly I haven't noticed in the first part of the song but very apparent from 2:31, maybe some automation is messing with that. is the snare a single sample? a bit robotic at the start, you could create variations. or just use snare rim or hihat first and bring in the snare where the riff comes back at 0:20.
dealing with the compression right now. some info:

- Gibson Les Paul Gothic emg 85 & 81>maxon 808>Engl E530>M-Audio Fastrack USB>Reaper>EQ>Lecab (God's Cab - the best impulses for me)>EQ

I will put more info as soon as possible

As pointed out before, something funky is going on with the kick at around 2:30-250 during that double bass run. Everything else sounds great to me, guitar tone is really nice and crunchy.
The drum intro will have something more like a vocal speech or something Spectivum, but I understand what you mean. The drums were recorded in a not so great room and the mics were not that good neither. I only remember the good sm57s on snare top and bottom and AKG D112 on kick the rest I can´t remember, we recorded the drums about 10 months ago so... The bass was a Bass Collection recorded through a DI and thats it. Two bass tracks, one with distortion HP 200 and LP 6000 and the other with BOD and limiting, the bass group with a 1k boost of 9dbs. I use two different samples on snare, one I know is Ermz christmas gift ;) the other I need to check and the kick is also from Ermz.

Need comments about the last version please ;)


I REALLY like it. Nice guitartone, and that bass sounds really nice. Maybe a little more "shimmer" on the bass, but it has a very nice low end to it. The song itself is really nice, maybe a bit repetetive - vocals needed now ;-)