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Mar 6, 2007
whats up dudes?

no honestly... what's up?

Anway I suppose I should get to the point aye?
I started writing this the other day using the ezdrummer and my behringer v-amp pro. Although I do have a bass you won't be hearing it recorded just yet but for what I have now I was hoping maybe you fine people could give me your respective perspectives on this one :)


I know the genres on soundclick I've listed are alternative and grunge but the more I listen to this the more I'm getting an alternative / pop vibe from it as it doesn't sound very grunge to me at all really.

I'd really appreciate some feedback on this before I get any deeper into adding more tracks to it. What I'm looking for is critique on blending levels, eq, etc

Thanks guys and gals.
Thanks a bunch of tons.
Cool stuff man...

Drums sound a bit dry to me so far.. could drop some nice reverb on that snare, breath some live into it.

Nothing to add really, it's so hard to comment on mixes like these were things sound fine as they are, you know?

Just keep it up dude!