
I love Ratt as well. I've never been able to catch them live though. I've heard that they're better now than they used to be. All the drugs the band took back in the day probably took it's toll on their live sets back then.

I've seen them live quite a few times and also often catch Stephen Percy solo here locally. I actually enjoy Percy's solo shows better than the Ratt shows. It just seems he has more energy when he plays with his solo band.
I went and saw Ratt and Extreme recently at the HOB in Chicago. Extreme was pretty damn good then the incredible amounts of alcohol I drank came back to haunt me during Ratt. From what I can recall Ratt was pretty good, but I think Extreme was the better live band.

**reminder to self .. pace yourself during these shows**

From what I can recall Ratt was pretty good, but I think Extreme was the better live band.


I agree with this statement, I just saw them both when they came through AZ and IMO Extreme was a much better live band. They had more energy, sounded tighter and Gary's voice can actually still hit all the required notes.

While Ratt sounded pretty good musically, Stephen's voice is the weakest part of the band, he just can't hit any of the high notes and sang off key for quite a bit of the songs. It was still cool to hear the entire Out of the Cellar album though.
I agree with this statement, I just saw them both when they came through AZ and IMO Extreme was a much better live band. They had more energy, sounded tighter and Gary's voice can actually still hit all the required notes.
Sounding better is all well and good, but in the end, Extreme doesn't for it for me.

Zod - couldn't agree more about DiMartini.....dude seems to have gotten better with age. That said, Pearcy ruins it for these guys. While he sounds great on disc and always has (OOTC and IOYP and even Dancing Undercover are all classics), he has NEVER been able to pull anything off live.

DiMartini, Bettencourt, and Cavazzo on one bill? Not bad at all.
I saw them on their tour with Poison a couple years ago and they kicked ass! I wanted to see them with Extreme this year but they skipped ATL-AGAIN!
ratt is the band that got me into the metal scene....:headbang:

i've seen them with and without robbin and juan......to me, with robbin and juan, that is the ratt that i hold dear in my heart...

...juan is working on getting his new band together....
One of my favorite bands growing up. They're playing Out of the Cellar in its entirety on their current tour. Saw these guys at SWR in 2007 and they kicked ass.


I saw them before they started the Extreme tour this summer. It was the first night they did the "Out of the Cellar" in its entirety. Pearcy only screwed up a couple of times - on songs that are normally part of the setlist. Ratt sounded great overall. Very glad I went. If only they would not have had Firehouse open up. I will never get that 50 minutes of my life back.

**reminder to self .. pace yourself during these shows**


That won't last longer than five minutes. :loco:
...then the incredible amounts of alcohol I drank came back to haunt me during Ratt.
Amateur. :loco:

Zod - couldn't agree more about DiMartini.....dude seems to have gotten better with age.
It's amazing how few guitar players actually do. He's an exception.

DiMartini, Bettencourt, and Cavazzo on one bill? Not bad at all.
Cavazzo? Whose he playing with?

ratt is the band that got me into the metal scene...
Me as well... well, I discovered them shortly after Crue.

If only they would not have had Firehouse open up. I will never get that 50 minutes of my life back.
Twice in the 80s Firehouse opened for Tesla. Both times, we tailgated until their set was completed.

He replaced Corabi? Interesting. Thanks.

Shame they can't patch things up with Juan.


Yeah, but I'm glad the band at least got someone well known as a replacement. I've always liked Corabi though. I actually saw him back in 94' when he was touring with Motley Crue. He was great, but few people gave him a chance. I've always wanted to hear him fronting ESP (Eric Singer Project), but haven't had any luck running across anywhere.

I was HUGE into Extreme.. never got to see them live tho.. Their III Sides to Every Story is HIGHLY underrated...

I have heard that Pearcy's voice live is a bit disappointing but I've never seen 'em so I can't say...

I'd love to see EXtreme tho..