RAY - Not metal, but badass nonetheless!


Your Favorite Uncle
May 28, 2003
the bluegrass state
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Brothers and Sisters and music fans everywhere...I just had to put my two cents in on this one. With the wake of Some Kind of Menstrual still fresh on everybody's mind, I'm afraid that you may have overlooked a TRUE CLASSIC documentary on one of music's greatest minds. I am speaking of the great RAY CHARLES!!!!!!!!!!!

I rented "RAY" last night, featuring Jamie Foxx in the role of our hero. I wasn't expecting much, to be honest. I am a fan of Charles' music and thought that it might be neat to see some of the history behind it. I figured, "hell...I'll just fast forward if it gets boring...and what else am I gonna rent, The Saw?!?!" and I went for it.

This is a great, great, movie. You don't even have to be a fan of his music to enjoy it. (My wife hates anything that doesn't involve a female virtuoso singing like Whitney Houston or Celine Dion and she loved it too!)

What makes it so great is that like RUDY or ROCKY or even HOOSIERS, it is first and foremost a story of an underdog. A man playing the cards he was dealt, against all odds, and coming out a winner. On top of blindness, Ray was also dealing with Racism, Thieves, Drugs, and vices galore that could have killed his career and his family, even himself time after time. But he overcame them all and I gotta say I even got a little misty eyed in parts. It really leaves you feeling thankful for all you've got.

Some interesting facts that I learned:
Ray watched his little brother drown
Ray was a Heroin addict for 30 years!!!!! And shot himself up!!!!!
Ray was banned in Georgia from performing (even though GEORGIA was the state's song!) because he cancelled a gig that segregated the audience...
and so much more

I think the most interesting part is how he learned to let his ears be his eyes and how his mother made him learn that though some good old fashioned tough ass love.

Seriously, y'all, if you haven't given this movie a chance just do it. You'll feel as good as you did when CLINT EASTWOOD got fed up in UNFORGIVEN and turned back to his outlaw ways...

"Anybody comes outta there before they count to 100 I'm gonna shoot 'em. I'll shoot their wife...I'll shoot their dog...and then I'll burn their fuckin' house down!"

The Night Time Is the Right Time!
I've been debating if I was going to rent this dvd. Been hesitant because I can't imagine how you can make an exciting movie about an old blind soul singer. It's not like he bit the head off any bats or got arrested while pissing on The Alamo.

Thanks for the insight, Ted. Sounds like they still cover some interesting aspects of his life. Might not be an exciting movie, but it sure sounds entertaining. I've found that sometimes the great movies are hidden in what appears to be rather bland subject matters (The Hurricane immediately comes to mind).
I"ll probably wait for it to show up as a "VH1 Movie That Rocks" in about 5 years.
It's gotta be better than Some Kind of Monster....