Razorblade Karma - 'Adrift' rough demo


OneMetal.com Music Editor
So, I've been lurking around these forums for a number of years now. I regularly check back here for tips, pointers and heads-up notices for new plugins and stuff. Not long ago, a couple of friends and I started up a home-recording project. Nothing massively serious - we just get together on a Sunday evening, have a few drinks, and gather round my PC to cobble some song ideas together.

We've got one song that's nearing completion - I was hoping some of you guys could give me some feedback on it!

I'm on guitars, bass, drum programming and production duties - my friend Craig is on vocals. My mate Parker would have been playing bass, but he was busy the night we recorded this, so he stepped in.

Drums are Superior Drummer 2.0, guitars are all TSE 808 > amp sim > LeCab (Gods Cab impulses) > CabEnhance 2.0 > C4, bass is Ampeg SVX. Would love to hear what you all think - about the song, the tones, the mix, the lot.

This is really rough, mind you - there's another section to be added yet between the second chorus and the guitar solo bit - I just did some crude copy/pasting so Craig could record the third chorus, so I need to go back to the drum tracks and program some more stuff. Also, that solo is obviously shittily-played as all get-out - I'm no lead player really, and I'd just spent 45 minutes trying to come up with a half-decent solo. That's a dodgy take of a first draft, right there. Likewise, Craig's vocals were basically a draft trying out his most recent lyrics - it's a knockabout effort, is what I'm basically saying. But I'm still fairly pleased with where it's going!
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