Re: "Attack of the trolls"


.:..::.: :.::..:.
Jan 14, 2003
Bogotá & New york
This bullshit is getting old, and I'm going to make a few points on the matter:

First of all, I'm sorry to have to say that the ongoing nature of this is mostly your own damn fault stuck-up, fan-boy, whiney, and stubborn Bodom fans. It is perfectly alright to admire each of the band members, and love their music. I'll even point out that they are, in fact, great people in person and worthy of admiration. But some of you get a little crazy..
Which reminds me, Alien Sex Fiend, you've been asked several times now to reduce your signature. Please do it. Not only is it annoying to have to scroll through all the time, but it does not exactly make you look very mature.
I am glad to be a fan of Children of Bodom and by all means I still consider them my favorite band. I'm also glad they have a growing fan base and I respect each and everyone here.. but I must say a few things to all of you to whom this may concern:
  • "Hate crew" is NOT 'a way of life'
  • Going around telling people that they're better off dead does NOT make you 'a cool CoB fan' and it does not make you look intelligent.
  • As a matter of fact, quoting any lyrics from a band (especially one like CoB) does NOT make you look or sound cool. You don't give a fuck if someone hates you? That's fine.. just don't go around using it to respond, in a serious context, to any and all attacks you may receive.
  • Please understand that when people come to pick on you or bully you for whatever reason, you are NOT going to get rid of them by responding to each and every word they say each and every damned time.
  • Whining about it, getting your panties in a knot about it, taking personal offense about it, etc.. is exactly what they want you to do, and many times it is exactly the reason they pick on you to begin with.
  • Criticizing them and attacking them, as right as you may be, does not make you much better than them.
  • Going to their own forums in anger and resent, and inciting them even more, is one of the worst things you can do about it.

To all of you who constantly get pleasure from attacking people for liking a certain band, and any other similar reason..
  • Acting the way you do and saying the things you say in this and other forums, you are not any better than any other forum member/fan.
  • Your opinion is NOT a 'fact' or a reason to go on forum-trolling crusades.
  • These forums are frequented by many decent people who get tired of having to go through this crap when they come to read, and understandably so. There is no reason why they should have to put up with this crap for all this time. It's been done to death for too long. It's become nothing but inconsiderate and childish.
  • I don't want to have to delete things from these forums. But I will certainly do so when it crosses a line, and it has, many times.
    If you clowns persist in making it a point to come to our forum just to incite discord and pick fights with certain people and seriously being a relentless prick, I will have your IP address banned from the CoB forums, like many people here have wanted me to.

I'm not closing this thread, but it is not to be used to continue this nonsense; and I will remove anything short of being relevant and constructive the first chance I get.
Thank you, Mag...I have been wanting to say something along the lines of "Trolls only reel you into the boat if you bite the bait!!!!" But I have refrained; as I just did not want to involve myself with any of it. If you don't reply, as much as a pain in the ass it is, as much as you might really be pissed off; don't give them the satisfaction. They want you to be pissed. That being said; I can understand the want to 'fight fire with fire" sometimes-hell, we're all human...but sinking to their level in other forums, as Mag pointed out very well; is not what I call the right thing to do.

Even I am guilty at times on a message board for posting something harsh toward a troll; like I said we all get to the end of the rope sometimes. Best thing to do it just quietly report them to a mod and have them deal with it. I've been on message boards for years, used to admin a HUGE message board with thousands of members, and I had to contend with them. Some "trolls' you learn are just jackasses that actually DO grow up. Most are just there to antagonize people, like bullies in real life. Just don't give them their satisfaction and eventually they'll move to 'greener pastures' if you will. You can't stop trolls forever, they'll always be around, I think of them like the annoying dormitory neighbors that you just sort of ignore rather than light their room on fire.

As for the fan thing mentioned; in hanging out, talking to, and even making friends with a lot of bands and their fans; there is indeed a line that should be drawn; admiration and borderline obsession are two different things. Remember this: The majority of bands are simply fellow metalheads, like yourselves and me, that just want to make music and have a good time. Discuss their talent, listen to them, even get utterly wasted with them at shows; but no need to discuss their color of underwear or home address. (Of course, there are some joking threads I've seen where I didn't see any problem with. Humor is one thing, and hell, i'll even act like a jackass sometimes...ok, a lot of the time:)D) but sometimes the line between goofy humor and outright obsession gets a bit blurred.) I always said; just try to treat others how you'd like to be treated. Chances are, you wouldn't want people delving deep into your personal life in public; consider this for everyone else.

Mag made most of my points already but I wanted to say job well done to him. *buys the man a beer* :)
I agree 110% mag. Im not usually one to go on the defensive when these kind of posts start to show up, but im also not one to back down from stating my opinion when i see fit. Ive learned to drop it when it gets out of line, but harmless, friendly debate is something these forums are about but fighting is a different story.

p.s.- im just curious as to which Bodom fan has posted somthing to the likes of "youre better off dead." it usually seems that its someone else whos trying to make fun of that.

p.p.s-my panties arent in a bunch. I freeball dammit, but my heiny hairs can become a little tight on occasion :lol:
Finally, someone who understands :)

You have to realise that our trolling (well, mine at least) was down to the somewhat bemusing attitude of 90% of this board; not elitism, but the praising of CoB as if they were gods or something, and then the anger that anyone else would dare to have a different opinion. So, I came over here with a few others to take advantage of this, and you all rose to it and reacted just how we wanted. But, I at least have had my fun, and you'll see no more trolling from me :)
I think we all can learn from this. Just don't get offensive and ignore what they say. I learned the hard way. You know who you really are, if somebody comes on here calling you gay, calling your mom a hoe, or insulting your fav band just act like you never read the post. I wish I would have done that.

Good post Mag.

Silence is Golden
COBSteele02 said:
I think we all can learn from this. Just don't get offensive and ignore what they say. I learned the hard way. You know who you really are, if somebody comes on here calling you gay, calling your mom a hoe, or insulting your fav band just act like you never read the post. I wish I would have done that.

Good post Mag.

Silence is Golden

hehe, I don't think you'll ever fall foul to a troll again after Iandork's thread. Good to see you're alright about it now though :p
what bothers me the most about that post, is you went out to find that picture to try and make fun of someone, yet YOU WENT OUT TO FIND THAT PIC AND KNEW JUST WHERE TO LOOK!!!
Good points. I admire you for saying all that. I hear Slayer quotes a lot more though. Like for example, "I hate everyone equally"...which is beyong retarded.

Hail teh Bodom!