Re-wiring an old Universe


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
This band that I'm friends with, whom I recently recorded, one of the guys in the band has an old UV7BK (black, green pups/dots). He was using the guitar so much for so long that the bridge pickup basically fell apart. He took it to a few different shops in the area and they basically fucked it up worse. It had been sitting in a guitar hangar in thier jam space for over a year, so I offered to take it and see what I can do with it.

So my question is: there is an extra cap on the volume knob. I was told this is to help the tone not get muddy when you roll off the volume. It looks to be a film cap. I can't seem to get to where I can order any original (or current model UV) replacement. So...if you were in my shoes, what would YOU re-wire the axe with? I'm pretty sure I'm going to get another DiMarzio Blaze7 to put in it like the original, but as far as if this was your project, where would you order all your stuff and what would you purchase to do this? I'm asking because I can't get ahold of orginal parts, and I'm also having a hard time finding caps that I should use. I also don't exactly know what kind of leeway I have if I can't get an exact match, if the material types matter, etc.

The other problem I'm having is the Ibanez parts site seems to be down...maybe they are reforming stuff for the new year, who knows.
I would just rewire the electronics like any normal guitar, no cap on the volume pot at all. If it was that important then the old Universes wouldn't be the only guitars that ever did that... Unless the owner is wanting to keep it authentic and true to the original, I would just replace the pickup and wire it up like any other electric.
I would just rewire the electronics like any normal guitar, no cap on the volume pot at all. If it was that important then the old Universes wouldn't be the only guitars that ever did that... Unless the owner is wanting to keep it authentic and true to the original, I would just replace the pickup and wire it up like any other electric.

Well actually, at least all the better Ibanez guitars (prestiges, signatures etc.) have it :lol: dunno about the cheaper models though, the cheapest ones I've owned myself were a Rg7421 and a Rga121.

It's just a treble bleed, a pretty standard mod, and I couldn't live without one. I've always got them from the Ibanez dealer in Helsinki, so I imagine other Ibanez dealers should stock them too.