Reactions to the Heavy Metal Thunder collection


Sep 9, 2002
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In Italy the magazines generally say that the classic songs re-recorded are all historical and great tracks but there wasn't need of this kind of release,especially cause it's a single cd (and i could add that 8 songs of it were in the KG bonus disc) of songs already released before many times.Everybody wanted a new cd.
And all the reviews say that the quality of the live songs in the second cd is very low.
Being a Saxon fan i support the band but i'd have preferred at least a double cd with many more songs.. Practically the most of the Saxon fans already got the bonus cd of KG and 5 new rerecorded songs and live tracks of not so high quality is surely not the best realease i'd have hoped from Saxon.

From the other side in the last two years the band has been great live headlining Wacken last year,the Sweden Rock festival,The Bang Your Head festival... and its name is surely more considered now than some years ago(Forever free times for example).This is a great thing but the band imo should write a new album just after the HMT tour at the beginning of the next year.I really hope there will be a new album before the end of the 2003,the moment for the band is quite positive(considering that the metal now is completely damaged by all not metal mass-medias).

Last point: it seems that apart from the great quantity of live shows played all over the world by the band,what's behind the band it's a label that still didn't understand the importance of internet nowadays not giving any kind of infos apart the more obvious( hi.. the new Saxon album is out today,it's called .. STOP).Just take a look at Blaze site,the guy and the band are great imo, but apart from this they have some guys behind them taking care of a great site with many funny things(like Blazegame .. i really don't know exactly what it is but i always see much interest in that board..)that keep the fans wanting to see daily what's new in Blazeworld.If SPV would give some money to two,three guys, to take care of the board daily surely the band would sell even more cause now internet it's a company during all the day for so many people and it's time for a band like Saxon that it's used in the best way.


PS: Come on please release the DVD of Wacken 2001(featuring the videos of Dogs and Unleash if it's legally possible) and after the new album consider the idea of a new live album(eagle has landed part 3?) with all the unreleased live songs from the last four albums(from the great Unleash The Beast record).
Very good thread black blood!
Saxon is a damn underestimated band and in my eyes they are much bigger than Iron Maiden...Metallica etc. So why can't SPV spend money on Saxon? Maby get some Videos get going at MTV or VH1, music-channels and get a few people working on homepage advertising and on...

SAXON ROCKS! :rock: :rock: :rock:
(You'll all hate me for this but...) I thought it was a waste of money, botched and badly produced. I love Saxon and have for years, if I could find something good to say about it, believe me I would, oh yes, the artwork, thats good...but thats it! Ive played the thing once and shelved it, thoroughly dissapointed. The bonus tracks that are on KG are the better songs, the rest (especially Never Surrender with the not so complete ending) are abysmal, I expect better than this from Saxon, and so should all of you.
I agree on most of what you folks say....but I don't think it's so bad, really..

I think it definitely is a great idea to rerecord some classic Saxon songs which were originally recorded more than two decades ago. I also think that some of the recordings are even better than the originals and the band made a good job on most of them.Some classics collected dust over the past 20 years and sound so much fresher and better these days in concert.
I also like that the 2CD set is sold (at least here in Germany) at the price of a regular single CD.
OK, most of the songs on CD1 are already on the bonus CD of Killing Ground...but hey, it was a bonus CD which was given away for free as a bonus together with a great studio album and not all KG CDs held that extra CD.The artwork is (again) really great and there's several songs that were not on the KG bonus.

The one thing I dislike about this HMT CD set is how careless and without love CD2 was nailed down...Faked live video of Killing Ground and five live tracks which were poorly mixed and poorly chosen from a setlist that contained much cooler tracks that night...

Maybe Saxon thinks about releasing a second CD with live material with every future release...Great White has done so and I love their 2 CD sets with a seperate live CD as CD No.2....The Black Crowes also recorded all of their shows on the past tour and offered them for free download just hours after the shows...Doesn't need to be an expensive multitrack recording, a raw and unremixed soundboard recording would make my day.I have many Saxon shows from the past 20 years on DAT and CDR and although not all of them are perfect soundwise, I listen to them much more than to "TEHL Pt.II" (which is a horribly and carelessly made compilation, imho). Especially on the past two tours there were shows which you could easily just put on 2 CDs without much editing and dubbing and which would have shown how strong Saxon is these days and that they're better than ever.Especially the german shows (Nuremberg, Stuttgart,..) and the spanish gigs are always real events to remember..

I'd gladly offer Uli a few of my DAT machines for the upcoming german shows and plug them in myself for archiving purposes!!!!

Personally I really liked it a lot.
The reviews in UK mags such as Powerplay and Terroriser were both good giving it 8.5/10 and thats pretty much the score I'd give it.
The rerecorded stuff sounds raw, live and full of energy, just like a Saxon gig and to me some of them sounded better than the originals because of this.
The second CD though was played once and then I haven't touched it since. I have got better bootlegs than this myself.
I know it says Official Bootleg on the case, but surely they could have come up with something better.

All in all though I was well happy with it, especially my picture disc. :)
I'd checked out and it seems like a very simple homepage, and it's not a big company so what can we do? :rolleyes:

Black Lagoon: Is it a picture disc on HMT?!
Yeah...I don't I'm going to win a LP...becasue my e-mail was bugging and I tried to e-mail like four or five times, and when ''outlook express'' worked all e-mails was sended! :lol:
I saw Saxon for the first time when i was 13 (wheels os steel tour - Derby June 5th 1980) All my Saxon recordings are on vinyl, My Gramaphone player hasn't worked for a very long time....Come on Guys the new CD is F****** Great. To be honest it gave me the same heart thumping, hair tingling feeling I had all those years ago. Yes I am a sad ol' Bastard, but i'll apologise to no one for that!!!:rock:
My credentials are simple I got all studio Saxon albums, and I love them all (in various degrees). When HMT came out I really wanted to hear the new recordings and...

a) I not very impressed, I hoped for something better and some songs are worse than the originals

b) the official bootleg SUCKS!, just because is a "bootleg" doesn't have to sound like one, is horrible, why not a clean production?

c) I feel this is more a company decision that the band's fault, but this compilation does not make any justice to the band.