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spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
I actually voted this Album Of The Year for 2006 in my personal blog. This is their third release and in my opinion their best. This album is runner-up to Anubis Gate's A Perfect Forever. This disc is very heavy and was quite refreshing for a "power metal" release. There are only two "fast" songs on the album with the rest being mid-paced. The new singer really complements the band; he usually sings in the mid-range but regularly employs his upper-register as well as adding in some great screams. One of the high-lights of this album is the vocalist's very high overdubs in certain parts, which bear an uncanny resemblance to Warell Dane's highs on the first Sanctuary album. Personally I think this guy is WAY better than Dane has ever been since forming Nevermore, so that's where the comparisons end. There are some very light keyboards which aren't very apparent but do add texture to the music. There aren't any overt progressive elements on here, though there are some great technical guitar riffs.