Ready Room Drama

Rev. Clayton

The Singer
Sep 4, 2006
I'm still trying to figure out who packed up my jacket in the back room on friday night and doesn't want to give it back...heh. You will know it's mine when you realize there are rare midi tracks for Suspyre on it. If you packed up my jacket with a bunch of Suspyre cds and t shirts under it please let me know...I would like it back. Thanks.

Clay ~ Suspyre
One more curse to whoever packed up my jacket and doesn't have the nards to return them...I am forced to listen to the music played at my gym now when I go...

Needless to say...I hate you for making me hear Jessica Simpson while I'm trying to bench.

Enjoy my ipod...turdhead. And now I am done.
Sorry to hear about your jacket...that sucks! So it never turned up among all your packed up gear in the RV?

Where do you remember leaving it last? I just can't imagine anyone in the green room (backstage) stealing a jacket if that's where you think it was. Are you sure you even brought in with you? I remember meeting all you guys out by the back door when you arrived with family & I don't remember if you had a jacket on or not...was it a jean jacket?

Also, have you tried calling the club to see if it's in their lost & found? PM me if you need the number to the office.
This is a bad situation. It doesn't cast us in a good light if it was a theft. Fortunately I did not have a VIP pass stuck on my person for either night and was nowhere near the ready room except to hit the ladies restroom. Perhaps it's a good idea to keep it that way.

I hope you get your stuff back.
I hate to say it but generally...most people suck. You can have a small group of people that all have the same say metal and you would think that since we are all there supporting something and having a "familly like" atmosphere there would be less trouble than say a normal type show. Wrong. I have seen people I know well do scummy things. The worst story I have ever heard was a while back this record label guy used to put on shows and had te bands stay at his place to help them out on the road and it was going good for a year or so until a band who was actually decently known came through and one of the bandmates stole this guys dead mom's wedding ring that he had put away, so basically while everyone was out doing stuff this guy went through this guys house to steal. The rule is...dont trust anyone. It sucks but it is true. I never leave my stuff out anywhere I go and anything valuable I never bring with me unless I know I am going to be right with it all day.
I hate to say it but generally...most people suck. You can have a small group of people that all have the same say metal and you would think that since we are all there supporting something and having a "familly like" atmosphere there would be less trouble than say a normal type show. Wrong. I have seen people I know well do scummy things. The worst story I have ever heard was a while back this record label guy used to put on shows and had te bands stay at his place to help them out on the road and it was going good for a year or so until a band who was actually decently known came through and one of the bandmates stole this guys dead mom's wedding ring that he had put away, so basically while everyone was out doing stuff this guy went through this guys house to steal. The rule is...dont trust anyone. It sucks but it is true. I never leave my stuff out anywhere I go and anything valuable I never bring with me unless I know I am going to be right with it all day.

I can tell you countless stories of bands that came through and stayed at my apartment in college when I used to do shows.

A well known frontman of a certain punk band (Who I am not going to name) walked in on my room mate changing (Yes, my male room mate).

Other members of said band were seen rummaging through my extremely valuable vinyl collection.

Point of the story...
While we think we are all chummy chummy, and in it "for the cause", you really don't know what anyone is capable of, and need to be careful.
Why do you guys assume that "if" there really was some theft going on here, that it was a band member?

Honestly, I'm not convinced there really was a theft, but even if there was, there were a ton of non-band people in the restricted areas.

I too have met my share of shady bands, but they certainly do NOT define the norm...especially not the ones that I (or we) associate with.
Yeah, I was just saying that in my one specific experience, it was a band member. As Bob said, you just can't trust folks! Agreed, it could have been anyone.
Well thanks to everyone's efforts on tracking it down...IT HAS BEEN FOUND.

Thanks to Shatter Messiah for contacting us this weekend and I will no longer be lifting to the lame music at the gym. Yay.

The last response I put up here was supposed to be sarcastic since I was expecting that the items were lost for good. It didn't seem that way but I get bored at work sometimes. Thanks again for an unbelievable experience at Powerfest and I truly expect it to not be my last appearance there.

Thanks to Shatter Messiah again for renewing my faith in the metal community....hahahahaha.

Bye all.