ready to hand / present at hand


Feb 2, 2005
What is the difference between these two concepts? Yes, I'm bored and I finally got to listening to this Hubert Dreyfus. He does not seem to explain these concepts. Maybe someone can elaborate on that? Thanks !
You've been reading Dostoevsky and Tolstoy; give yourself a break and just read Being and Time which is only a slim 400 pages. :p

If Nile577 goes through with his thread, the above distinctions (and much more) would be explored.
Yes. I have to get some work done for the 22nd of February. After that, Being and Time will be my priority.
My local library doesn't have it (although they have tons of books by Zizek, Lyotard and other nice chaps...) and to order it from the internet will take over a month and too much money for delivery alone. Ebook format drives me crazy and I read anyway outside mostly. I don't know if you're being sarcastic but I don't think there's a chance anyone can just pick this book up and understand it ... uhh well
I read 'What is Metaphysics' on the internet instead and I found it very interesting. The proof that nothingness precedes negation is very elegant although I'm still having a difficult time grasping the implications. However, like most Germans, he is a mystic under his technical incomprehensibility. I for one have never felt anxiety, and I suppose that if such a feeling was possible - even though it's rare - someone would already have talked about it before Heidegger (at the very least, he could describe the circumstances under which he felt anxiety?)