Real TS before Interface or TSS Vst?


Dec 20, 2008
Hi there,

I've been tweaking my setting in revalver/nick crow plugings, and noticed I have better result with real TS (a OD 808 clone - GMD Luther Drive) than just using TSS in the beginning of the chain.

Here's reasonable question:

If I won't be satisfied with my amp sims results and, say, wish to reamp the whole shit, won't the whole tone suffer of being overdriven initially comparing to dry DI's?

Just curious.
I run the TS in PodFarm... this preserves the raw guitar track from the DI that i record.

This lets you change your TS settings later, if you reamp through a real TS and not be screwed if you end up not liking it.
Wow, that's a prompt reply))
The thing I don't have PodFarm, so no use for me.
But I really dig the tone I get using my real TS, but it creates some hum, not extremely, bot noticeable.
TSS doesn't have such an issue.
Nothing beats a real TS. If you're getting hums, there's some kind of an adaptor-like thing available in the market that would help you out with it.
IMO I don't really see why one should be too bothered to change the TS settings later on. Just leave the drive at 0, and volume all the way up. Adjust the tone setting in real-time and decide. Viola!

Simplicity is the best policy :)
The problem is my TS cuts the volume to zero when setting Drive to minimum))
I don't know if that's ok, but I use Drive ar ~9 o'clock, Tone ~ 10-12 (it begin to increase highs when I try to roll more, Level at ~ 12
Then Revalver on rhythm with crunch, pre-gain at ~13 o'clock.
No clipping shown by Mackie, at least I set it at pretty hot level.
Turn the TS on = noise, off = no noise at all.
fap in a noise gate somewhere to cut out that hum that you're talking about. Either a hardware or software one
I use it with 9v battery inside, pretty crappy one.
That's not just a TS - the chain is pretty standard: guitar-TS-Satellite-Nuendo-Revalver (NickCrow) - Boogex - C4 - Req
Absolutely no noise without TS or when switched off. It is true bypassed by the way. Amp is not that driven, maybe it is the matter I have no noise when it is on and TS is off
Certainly, I can do it this way, BUT. I am trying to record everything by myself - read no real amps.
I think i'll get a mic and reamp box, so that I can reamp at the rehearsal base, just my laptop - mackie pod - ProRmp(on budget now) Sm57 - Mesa Double / 6505 / Couple of Marshalls.
Just compromising now - good amp sim tone or future of my reamping.
A TS shouldnt cut your volume to zero when the drive is all the way down, using my TS7 I have the drive at 0 and the tone & level at 12 o clock and i have no problems whatsoever with it being quiet... Maybe it needs a new battery dude...
How does the TS sound once it's in Revalver? All hissy still i assume, especially when you're not playing...

I would say if that is a ground issue with a physical TS, then use TSS. Even being software, it would sound better than a hissy guitar sound and give you the same general efffect.
But real TS sounds waaaay too better comparing to TSS, just have to fuck with knobs, find a balance between drive on the amp and drive on TS.
I'll upload a sample later.
This is the baby I use:

I guess it kills OD808, basically the same specs, but more tonal quality, not that boxy as maxon is.
I understand, that is definitely metal in that video, but it shows something this little beast can do.
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lolol at the guy doing the video
"it looks like an sg.... BUT ITS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT"
what a dick

EDIT: but that pedal sounds really fucking nice
EDIT 2: fucken LOL at his shoes