Realeasparty / Gig 6/11


Feb 28, 2002
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I'd just like to thank Dan & Dag and the other guys for a great evening. And of course celebrate myself for being tha #1 in the Nightingale trivia :hotjump:

So, the setlist maybe`?

Nightfall Overture
-Entire Invisible album-
Scarred for life
Shadowland Serenade
Losing Myself (eos)
Black Tears (eos)
Steal the moon

Highlights: Shadowland Serenade, Black Tears, To the end, the Wake,
Hey man, isn't killing unborn childs forbidden? :) But I know what you mean, it looks very good. Thanks for uploading, Dag! You should really think of "fan"-releasing at least the music, because it sounds as you could get something pretty good out of it!
wish I could have been at the gig, awesome setlist I must say! :)
Any chance you`ll put the vid out on your website for diehards to download? Delay the web-release till 24. of december, and it will be the best christmas gift ever! If you do, please make the file HUGE, so I can watch the show on my TV, and not just in a 4x4 cm frame on my laptop.. If a webrelease is out of the question, any chance of paying some svenska kronor for a DVD-r copy?
Great pix !
The video clip is filmed with a digital "photocamera" and that´s the whole thing.
The show was filmed by some guy but i haven´t seen it yet. I have some plans to upload the whole show on mp3
Yeah a great evening topped with a superb gig!
It's crazy that you can get this good entertainment in such a small place!

Personal highlights:
Revival, Shadowland serenade, To the end, The wake and Steal the moon!

Btw. Thanks Dan, dag, erik and tom for a great evening!