Reality Clash

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
thieving bastard! buy a copy off me, 17€, bonus tracks, booklet with lyrics for 'reality clash' and a pic of mick with a lemmy muzzy, shipping free, :cool:
To put things straight, I owe the cd. I just havent studied the lyrics closely, I usually start doing that when a record begins to bore me. It hasnt yet. I must have overlooked that the words of the spoken part were there.
very well then what about the spoken part at the end of In Stone? I could figure it out somehow, but i'm lazy now, hehe! Anyone knows the whole thing? Or Mick, can you post it here?
Dhatura said:
Haha, yeah, maybe it's from a poem or some fiction. Is it???????
maybe they even don't know what we're talking about cause they don't know it's actually there?o_O

@ Kai: hmmm what about yer old user name?

Since I haven't logged on to U.M. for months now I have no idea what my password for that account might have been - same thing about the e-mail adress I actually used for registering. Tried my standard ones for getting the password without success. Also considered hacking the U.M. servers and finally came to the conclusion that registering a new account should work for me as well. :)

Cheers, Kai
Strangelight said:
Fiction me arse. Is it really that hard to understand the words like?
nah, it isn't, only one or two passages, but we're lazy bastards, you know that ;)

@ Kai: well, alright then, why did you choose a nick which is already given nearly the same like to another user? :p probably you didn't know eh?
Strangelight said:
Fiction me arse. Is it really that hard to understand the words like?
As Morpheus said, it aint, but like in case of any fictional sort of text, as a non-native speaker I'm not sure if everything I think I understand is really meant/written/spoken that way. That's why I usually like to have the lyrics. :) So where's the fuckin problem of copying that fuckin piece of text and fuckin insert it here? Fuckin thanks!

Morpheus said:
well, alright then, why did you choose a nick which is already given nearly the same like to another user? probably you didn't know eh?
Is it my fault that this poor bastard stole my upcoming user name before I could even register it? He's lucky that I wont sue him for compensation for that copyright violation! :yell:

anyway, cheers like, Kai :)
I tried to transcribe the part but it looks shitty with all those ...'s and ?'s :/ So yeah, it's hard to understand fully, like I understand what it's all about but a good couple of words are missing.