I don't mind me some facebook. I can keep in contact with a whole bunch of my friends from school and all over the shop, and it helps organising gigs and stuff like that.

Plenty of it does suck ass though, like all of these pointless groups you see going around.
Don't quite see why one would be comparing FB to the Sneap forum anyway.
Both totally different uses. I like Facebook for some stuff, not for other stuff and the same for the Sneap forum
How can people dislike facebook? It just seems like something that can't have any intrinsic value, good or bad :confused: (actually, I take it back, personally I think it's really good, I love being able to keep in touch with people by reading their status updates and looking at their pictures, rather than actually having to call or write to them :lol: )
to the OP: you mean that your facebooh friends suck, and people on here, don't. lol.

But the advantage in faceboooo is you can choose the ones that are able to post in your status.
I don't think Facebook was really intended as a go to place for entertainment. I think it's more for keeping in touch with people you wouldn't normally keep contact with. That said, I don't find myself using it much.
Facebook took all the fun out of stalking. Now anyone can be a creep. Back in the day you had to actually like lurk and hide outside of windows and write untraceable letters and shit.
No no - it just made stalking a much more effective endeavor. Thanks to blackberry and iphone status updates I no longer find myself creeping through bushes late at night only to find an empty house.
No no - it just made stalking a much more effective endeavor. Thanks to blackberry and iphone status updates I no longer find myself creeping through bushes late at night only to find an empty house.

when someone posts from their ceel that they are at the mall with one of their friends, knowing their exact location is too damned easy. Its a stalker's heaven.