Really digging the new Edguy album "Age of the Joker"

Tears Fear and Pain

New Metal Member
Oct 5, 2010
I have to admit that I am really digging the new album. I realize that I will purchase just about any release by this band and have been somewhat disappointed by recent projects, but Edguy seemed to have gotten back on track with this album. I don't think they get as much credit as they deserve!
I like it, but I can't see Edguy skeptics embracing it. There's nothing new here. A few good power metal songs that the old fans will enjoy, a few good hard rock tunes, some tongue in cheek stuff, and a couple of cringeworthy moments. But if you liked Tinnitus, this is good stuff. And although Tinnitus is my least favorite Edguy album, bad Edguy is still good music. And Age of the Joker is by no means bad Edguy. Mediocre Edguy perhaps. And mediocre Edguy= very good music. Just not amazing like Hellfire Club or Mandrake.
Be skeptical. The album is not that good.

I genuinely wanted to enjoy it and there are a few good songs, but it's just not doing it for me. And "Pandora's Box" completely killed the momentum for a 3 - 4 minute song near the end, it would've been fine, but almost 7 minutes early in the album made me want to turn it off.
Pretty good, definitely better than Tinnitus Sanctus.

Be skeptical. The album is not that good.


I genuinely wanted to enjoy it and there are a few good songs, but it's just not doing it for me. And "Pandora's Box" completely killed the momentum for a 3 - 4 minute song near the end, it would've been fine, but almost 7 minutes early in the album made me want to listen to turn it off.

Echoing the above comments. It's better than Tinnitus Sanctus, but that didn't take much effort. Still not to the level of Hellfire Club though.
What's going to make or break buying this for me: how's the ballad?

-I've listened to "Thorn Without a Rose" more than twice as many times as any other song on Tinnitus.
Echoing the above comments. It's better than Tinnitus Sanctus, but that didn't take much effort. Still not to the level of Hellfire Club though.

Question is, does it rise to the level of "Rocket Ride"?

Personally, I wasn't a big fan of Hellfire Club, so I don't think that is much of a measure for me.
My favorite cut on the disc. :devil:
I knew someone was gonna say that. :lol:

I will give the song this though - even though I feel like it drags, the chorus and last couple minutes are catchy as hell. Their songwriting has diverged from what I enjoyed most about them, but they can damn sure still craft a good hook.
Question is, does it rise to the level of "Rocket Ride"?

Personally, I wasn't a big fan of Hellfire Club, so I don't think that is much of a measure for me.

IMHO no album since Hellfire Club has been any good. :(

I somewhat like the Robin Hood song - in it's edited format they use for the video, not the 8+ minute version that's on the album.

Oh, gave it another spin this past weekend.. Pandora's Box is pretty good too. But the album as a whole.. eh..