Really need your help - Instrumental Prog Metal Inside !!


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007

dual Rectumfryer
toms = SD 2.0
Snare = sm57 + SD 2.0
Sanssamp BDI + TSS

Everything throught a Firepod.

It was already mixed 18 months ago but I am no longer satisfied with the Mix. It's unmastered. So raise the volume a little bit. The original mix is here : It's called Echoes of Evolution. PN : it's not my mix on there.

Tell me what what's wrong with this mix !!!
I hear too much mids in the mix, too much boxiness and mud.

You could start cleaning up that snare: more presence and treble needed. Also the guitars could be improved with some C4 with andy-ish settings. Bass needs more low end and les volume.

When the keys enter they turn the mix into a mudball, try to filter those too.

I think it could improve a lot the mix ;

Cool band BTW :D

best regards!
link updated. i think i took care of some of the problems. but the mix still sucks. the RH guitars are ultra boomy. I just spent 3 hours on that thing. rahhhhh.
Hey Nic, pretty cool, though I feel the snare is a bit too "poppy," cuz I keep wanting to turn the volume up except when the snare hits, cuz any louder and it'd hurt. Guitar tone is good, but suffers from the same problem I've been having with my Rectifier; too much muddy low-mids and "wool" at around 400 Hz. Some sweet freakin' riffage and synth playing in here though man! Yeah, damn though, just got to the upbeat part, and you really gotta turn down that snare (cuz I wanna hear it louder and get into it, but the snare's killing me!). And DAMN, the Nevermore-esque riff really nails the Nevermore sound I must say. Pretty sweet song, a whole lot going on here!
AND FINALLY, I can imagine with the guitar tone this muddy/wooly, having the synths any louder would be worse - but you gotta suck some 400 outta the guitars, cuz the synths sound awesome, and I really wanna hear 'em more clearly!
Hey Nic, pretty cool, though I feel the snare is a bit too "poppy," cuz I keep wanting to turn the volume up except when the snare hits, cuz any louder and it'd hurt. and you really gotta turn down that snare (cuz I wanna hear it louder and get into it, but the snare's killing me!).

OMG the snare is horrible. so loud. I tried few different samples, but i am still not getting there. i'll fix it tonight. i think this sample is the right one for the mix, its just that my processing sucks. Hopefully this topic will help me out :

AND FINALLY, I can imagine with the guitar tone this muddy/wooly, having the synths any louder would be worse - but you gotta suck some 400 outta the guitars, cuz the synths sound awesome, and I really wanna hear 'em more clearly!

I'll try that for sure. I wanted to make them clearer but i did not know where to start.

And DAMN, the Nevermore-esque riff really nails the Nevermore sound I must say. Pretty sweet song, a whole lot going on here!

Which riff are you talking about ?

Thanks for the feedback marcus! Muchos appreciatedos!