Really silly fear..

I like the new avatar... is it before or after?

Oh, and I think you should be able to delete a thread if no one has posted to it, otherwise, its stuck. I would test it, but wouldn't want to spam the boards with test threads, =/
Were we ever able to?

I like the idea about 'if replies, then no delete.' That way, if you screw up while entering a new thread and hit the Enter button by accident, or you realize that someone else has already started a similar thread (perhaps about seat-saving :)) you can kill the baby thread before it grows.
trentdk said:
I like the new avatar... is it before or after?

Oh, and I think you should be able to delete a thread if no one has posted to it, otherwise, its stuck. I would test it, but wouldn't want to spam the boards with test threads, =/

That's the AFTER. LOL. The AFTER effects of the "I must, I must, I must increase my bust" chant.

Yeah, I just edited it...
