Realm of Chaos playlist 6/19

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
Realm of Chaos every Wednesday at 6pm

This was a special SIX HOUR edition!


Kotipelto- Travel Through Time
Kotipelto- Beginning
Firewind- Between Heaven and Hell
Poema Arcana- Walls/Crawling Mirrors
Poema Arcana- Elegia
Runemagick- Temple of Skin/Beyond Life
Thunderstone- Let the Demons Free
Brave- Escape
Brave- Candle in the Dark
Borknagar- (track 1 from the s/t... YOU spell it)
Borknagar- Four Elements Synchronicity
Lilitu- I Can Not Be Saved
Lilitu- Unwill
Lilitu- Dead Things I've Tried to Hide
Arcturus- Ad Absurdum
Arcturus- For To End Yet Again
Virgin Black- Museum of Iscariot
Karaboudjan- Plan 714 Til Sydney
Unicorn- Waterfall
Lilitu- The Earth We Shall Inherit
Pandemonium- Twilight Symphony
Tad Morose- Gates of Babylon
Novembre- Cloudbusting
Novembre- Everasia
Novembers Doom= Harmony Divine
Bal Sagoth- Blood Slakes the Sand at the Circus Maximus
Bal Sagoth- The Dark Liege of Chaos is Unleashed at the Ensorcelled Shrine of Azura-Kai (The Splendour of a Thousand Swords Gleaming Beneath the Blazon of the Hyperborean Empire Part II)
Naervaer- 92-Tid-99
Naervaer- Bob Dylan is the Fucking King
The Gathering- Third Chance (single version)
Havayoth- Mirrors
Havayoth- Wounds
Vintersorg- A Dialogue With the Stars
Otyg- Holy Diver
Tom Nouga- Kolonilotten
Tom Nouga- Fam. Beige
Nightingale- Scarred For Life
Dismal Euphony- FlyinEye
Agalloch- Kneel to the Cross
Sentenced- My Sky Is Darker Than Thine
Steel- Say Goodbye to Love
Anacrusis- Sound the Alarm
Painkiller- Trailmarker/Blackhole Dub
Xytras- Regen
Therion- Nightside of Eden
Hammers of Misfortune- Doom Parade
Mellow Candle- The Poet and the Witch
Mellow Candle- Buy Or Beware
Stuck Mojo- 2 Minutes of Death
Solefald- Red View
Spiritus Mortis- Beware of the Quiet One
The Black League- Sanguinary Blues
Bad News- Excalibur
Blind Guardian- Goodbye My Friend (live)
Carcass- Symposium of Sickness
Flowing Tears- Cupid of the Carrion Kind
Fountain of Tears- She Wants to Be
Madder Mortem- Traitor's Mark
Napalm Death- Walls/Raging in Hell/Conform or Die/SOB
Entombed- Living Dead
Deicide- Revocate the Agitator
The Goblin- Deep Shadows parts I and II
The Coroner- The Purple The Haze
Coroner- Masked Jackal
Morbid Angel- Angel of Disease
Cruachan- Fall of Gondolin
Deicide- Dead But Dreaming