Realm of Chaos, this Wednesday March 6 6pm-9pm Eastern

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland

A few days back, I got the new Winds Reflections of the I CD.

It's an excellent progressive metal band featuring the talents of members of Arcturus, Tritonus, Khold, Mayhem, etc. Mostly clean vocals, if you're wondering.

At 7:30pm eastern, I will play the entire CD, front to back.

Also on the show, giveaways of the Angra Rebirth CD and free newsletter subscriptions... get those browsers ready for the trivia questions!

The 6pm 'New Stuff' slot is looking a bit better than last week, as I've gotten the new Seven Witches album and Virgin Steele releases and they at the very least don't SUCK.
The playlist:

The pre-show (I started around 1:30pm... 5.5 hours before the actual show... didn't publicize it because I just wanted to log hours without having to pay much attention):

Depresy- Sighting (full album)
Museo Rosenbach- Zarathustra (full album)
Opeth- Morningrise (full album)
Dusk- My Infinite Nature Alone (full album)
Queensryche- Suite Sister Mary (by request)
Fates Warning- Awaken the Guardian (full album, by request)
Deceased- The Silent Creature
Blind Guardian- A Past and Future Secret
Blind Guardian- The Script For My Requiem
Blind Guardian- Bright Eyes

Show Proper:
Napalm Death- Throwaway
--New Arrivals Portion--
Agalloch- Odal
Arcturus- Star-Crossed
Seven Witches- Metal Tyrant
Flowing Tears- Cupid of the Carrion Kind
Dark Shift- The Last Door
Corpus Christi- The Burning
Decayed- Death Chimes of Armageddon
Laid to Unrest- Pre-Arranged Funeral Activity
Virgin Steele- Kingdom of the Fearless
Dark Horizon- Son of Gods
Virgin Steele- I Am The One
--End New Arrivals Portion--
Entombed- Chaos Breed
Ebony Tears- Opacity
Winds- Reflection of the I/Of Entity and Mind (full album)
Comus- Song to Comus (by request)
Avidost- A Silent Masquerade (by request)
Garden of Shadows- Twilight Odyssey