Reamp wall socket input

Ok so I thought is safer to buy a snake with just audio inputs (and let's say 4 outputs for phones/submixes) than a snake with audio inputs and built in reamp output.
You know audio cables and speaker cables don't work that great together ;) if they're not well isolated anyway.

Do you think that this jack can handle a speaker level cable?
here's a link:
Basically two of these, one on the control room and the other one on the tracking room.
Both mounted to a wall socket.

standard jacks work just fine (my speaker cables are wired with standard neutrick jacks and my cabs have standard pcb sockets)

the only thing is to ensure you use the correct cable between the terminals, ideally 2x2.5mm Twin axial

you should be good to go after that!
Should be fine, just make sure that you use the correct gauge wiring in the wall :)


EDIT: Oops.. beat me to it..
just updating this,

Just got myself 50m of twin axial 2.5mm speaker cable, made one whopping 20m cable so far

was £29 inc VAT for the whole 50m reel

Luckily i had a higher power soldering iron to make the connection. Standard soldering irons just don't cut it for such cable thicknesses. However, i must report back and did an AB test with my trusty pro (pirahna) speaker cable ive been using for years and there's no difference in sound quality at all.

So two things, the length of cable makes no difference (for speaker cable), and also even this 'cheaper' alternitive cable works wonders!