New Metal Member
Aug 10, 2009
Germany, Thuringia
Hello to all ultimate Metalers out there ! :headbang:
So this is my first post here and i have a big demand. I wanted to ask, if someone of you could reamp my DI files of our recording session. No fear, its just one song, called Theatre of Mind. Our style isnt very describable, because we have many influences like melodic death, death metal, trash and some groovy parts, but I´m aiming for a more modern guitar sound. So I´m thinking the Arch Enemy sound ( Doomsday Machine ) would be a good orientation. In this case, maybe the 5150 would be a good choice. But start listen by yourself. I would be very glad and grateful, if someone could do this job for me.
It would be great if you could upload some samples beforce reamping the hole thing, so that we could arrange because of the sound.
So heres the link: https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1717975/subhuman_theatreofmind_guitardi.rar

Big thanks beforehand!! :lol:
greetz and stay heavy
Hello again and big thanks for your interest lolzgreg!
So i´ve made a fast mix of the song, with guitars and programmed drums, no bass and vocals at all.
Here´s the link: https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1717975/theatre_of_mind_fastmix.mp3
I´ve used the revalver mk III demo and the catharsis-awesometime-fredman impulses. Lets talk a bit about the sound I wish to get. For the rythm guitars ( guitarL1 and guitarR1 ) the rythm channel might be the right choice. I like a bit more gain ( maybe around 8 or 9 ). This channel could be a bit more defined. So maybe Low 6, Mid 8, High 8-10, Res 2, Pres 3. Then theres a file called guitarL2, for this I would choose the lead channel. It could have more highs and bass, and lower mids, e.g. Low 8, Mid 3, High 7-8, Res 2, Pres 3-4, the gain settings could be 7 or 8. For the file guitarcenter the rythm channel might work, too, I´ve used the SoloC ampsim. For the guitar solo there was SoloC, too, but I dont really know whats best for this part. All in all I wanted to say, that I want to get a more clear and soft sound, not so crisp, like for example arch enemy uses it. But maybe I should end telling so much :lol:. For sure you know what I mean ! :lol:
Here are the fixed DI files again: https://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1717975/Theatre_of_Mind_GUITAR_DI.rar
In my mix the guitars are double tracked, but maybe we should consider about quadtracking in the end.
Also a bit pre-eqing might be good, because I found the guitars a bit boomy, maybe because of the tuning, its standard C.
I would be great if you could help me!
Thanks and greetz! :headbang:
I just took a listen to the DI's...what DAW are u using...and it sounds like u did some editing to GuitarL1 and GuitarR1...im hearing some pops in the beginning of it...you didnt put crossfades in when u cut out the uneeded parts did u?
if you know what amp settings you want, why don't you re-amp the fucking thing yourself?
What's the fucking point dude? Either let someone work their magic without bossing them around about amp settings or do it yourself if you're so sure of what you want.
Hi, yes I edited the guitars at the beginning a little bit, but never thought about crossfades! :lol: I should busy oneself with crossfades! :lol:
You know, I´m not the most experienced mixer, but thanks for your help, so I can adapt it.
TheXRatedDodo I dont want to boss anybody here around, lolzgreg only wanted to know in what direction the sound should go, I´ve listed the approximate settings I´ve used with the ampsims.
Sorry, if I be suggestive of it. We don´t have so good amps, and yes I want your help. You can do with the files what you want, it should just sound good in the end.
So are there more interested in reamping or helpful? I could overwork the files and load them up as fast as I can!
Simply write back please ...
greetz MuCKe
you also did editing on every other track i hear popping all over the place...i messed with it a little bit but imo i would retrack EVERYTHING...if you have to edit it then make sure you do your crossfades...play guitarcenter with the guitar R1 and L1 riffs itll sound alot better...also the guitar at the end of the song...i believe its L2 possibly...track that with both rythm guitars also and harmonize them...also i think a rythm underneath that part would sound pretty sweet too...just my opinion...and ur programming is completely off on a section of the song...i would consider writing a new part or approaching it differently to make it fit better...its got potential...just needs some polishing up...hope this helps