Reason #17 why I have a hard time taking Terrorizer seriously:


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
From the most recent issue, "Stagefright" section, the Iron Maiden concert review from Munich Olympiahalle:

...The terrace chants begin even as the unofficial intro tape ('Rock'n'Roll Doctor') thunders through the PA. It's been three years since Maiden came to Bavaria. That's an awful lot of metal-hungry farmer boys. 'Wildest Dreams' is a crap song, but as a throwaway opener it serves its purpose. And anyway, it's 'Wrathchild' next. This is the Maiden we all paid to see, and when they follow it with 'Can I Play With Madness' and 'The Trooper' we're suckered into believing that we're going to get our money's worth.
But no: "I hope you like the new album," Dickinson announces ominously. "We're going to play a lot of new songs for you tonight." Yeah, no shit. Six of the fuckers in total. While the costume and set changes are all very entertaining, grandiose epics are best kept on the turntable and out of the live set. Especially when a large per centage of the audience hasn't bought a new Iron Maiden album since 1988. The fact that 'Powerslave' and 'Somewhere In Time' are ignored completely in favour of new 'product' says it all really: this isn't a concert, it's a goddamn sales pitch.
Never again.
What a fucking moron.
I don't put much stock in Terrorizer. Although, their Album of the Month pick is good about 50% of the time. But their reviews irk me, because they give a lot of high scores (7-9.5) and they always seem to go after the band's that are different for the sake of being different.

I do like Unrestrained, if only because they come out quarterly, and their magazine doesn't cost $7. I like their Abrasive Outlets section, and think Kevi-Metal's Rimshots are hilarious. But again, they give entirely too many high scores, especially Adrian Bromley. I don't think that guy has ever heard a bad album.

I only have 4 Terrorizer issues left. If interested, let me know.

I'm sticking with online zines from now on.
The fact that 'Powerslave' and 'Somewhere In Time' are ignored completely in favour of new 'product' says it all really: this isn't a concert, it's a goddamn sales pitch.
Yes, because a band with a new album hates to play stuff they haven't done 50 million times. :rolleyes:
There is just zero credibility to be had in that live review. It's like 1/2 the morons on line at the NYC show, complaining that they didn't play "Wasted Years." Though that sure would've been nice. :D
"Six of the fuckers in total"? What a disgrace - that should never have gone to print. There's a reason why it's called the "Dance of Death tour", as opposed to the "Ed Hunter" or "Give me Ed..." tour. Ugh.

The thing is, you can't blame an entire publication on individual writers. Yeah, the Mithras review was over the top ("..the most absurd review in history.." as I called it), but it doesn't detract from the rest of the mag IMO. It's funny though, today I was reading the current edition, and the review for Mastodon's Remission described the CD as the best album of the last 10 years, and it got a 10/10. It's a great album, but how people find it so easy to be so definitive is beyond me.

I do like their reviews for the most part. They go in depth (as we do) and it gives me a good idea of what the album is like, or what the band sounds like. That's much more important than the score itself. Fuck, we could remove all our scores from Royal Carnage, and you still get a good idea of what the album's all about.
Agreed with everyone else, this review is total shit...lament the loss of songs from SIT if you will, but they are on the road to promote the new album. You wanted an all-hits show, you should have seen the 1999 or 2002 tours. In that sense, virtually all concerts are "sales pitches..."
Terrorizer has lost a couple of the better writers recently. One of them (Jonathan Seltzer) was the previous editor. I've noticed a slight change since he left. I still think Terrorizer is the best metal mag out there, though.
Yeah, I obviously picked out a ludicrous piece to give my example. The very same issue had a killer article on Exodus, a very nice write-up on Rush, and the normal level of quality, but some of the writers' "pack mentality" when it comes to "if it's not Converge it suX0r" nonsense gets on my nerves at time. You know what I mean.

I happen to agree with Dream in this case though...Unrestrained remains my fave. Of course I also enjoy BW&BK, so what the eff do I know? :)
Well, I think Terrorizer has the better writers, but a lot of their interviews stray off topic and that bugs me. I don't give a fuck if the Suffocation singer likes to play video games or take long walks on the beach. Tell me about the music, man! Unrestrained stays on topic.

Plus, Unrestrained doesn't wax lyrical about every damn Canadian band the way Terrorizer worships English bands.

And Terrorizer is almost double the price of Unrestrained.
npearce said:
The Terrorizer top 40 should be interesting. I don't see a sure favorite. Mithras won't get it, and I bet that reviewer will be reprimanded.
The reviewer just wrote it though. Who ok'd it to publish?

I reckon the top 10 will be made up of Ackercocke, Mithras, Meads of Asphodel, Mistress, and a few foreigners like Darkthrone or Enslaved...
Yeah, 2002 was Isis, the year before was Converge I think. But no definitive -core album was released in 2003. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it to Mithras.
If it's British, it'll be a toss up between Mithras and Ackercocke I reckon.

Also, don't forget Sunn0))), Opeth, and Katatonia. Perhaps not #1 material, but likely top 10 candidates. Although, Opeth would be a bit too obvious, you know, considering it was a bag of shite and all that.
Terrorizer also loves Khanate and Place of Skulls. THey'll definitely rate Akercocke high up there.

Opeth and Katatonia will be up there simply because they are Opeth and Katatonia, even if the bands haven't released quality material for a good five years or so. Oops, did I say that?