Recent Comments by members of Anthrax


New Metal Member
Mar 8, 2004
Recently there have been members of Anthrax quoted as saying that Metal is dead in the U.S. I am not sure if these comments have been taken out of context or what but perception is the rule and alot of the fans have perceived to believe this is what was said (including myself). I will agree that Metal as mainstream music is not what it used to be but it is alive and well. I truly believe (as well as many others) that W.C.F.Y.A is one of the best Metal compilations put together in many years and I truly believe that Anthrax want the effort they put into it recognized. The problem is that there appears to be a level of "bite the hand that feeds you" going on here. I have had the opportunity to see Anthrax this year in Flint, MI (the first since the Whitesnake, Y&T tour) and it was everything I hoped it would be. Raw and in your face. I want Anthrax to continue to make the music the way they want to because that is what makes music interesting but man you gotta get in touch with the people.

The message I would like to get across to the members of Anthrax is, don't assume something is dead just because it isn't staring you in the face.
True that. I was sitting around with my band and some of our friends yesterday. We were all sitting around a table talking and arranging a new song. I looked at everyone and said "you know what guys, this is PA's metal scene right here. It's dow to us and a few of our friends..." It's funny 'cause it is mostly true. Metal in East PA, and most of the country is hard to come by, but it IS still alive. And the individuals that it is alive in are true people. They are not going to abandon what they love like all of those people who just stopped caring in the 80's and 90's. And if that's the way it's gotta be, so be it. I would rather have 10 true metal heads then 10,000 posers. It ain't dead, it's just sleeping is what I say. :rock:
metal killed it self by bringin out crappy lp's , to name a few, Exodus(Impact and Force) testament (Souls of Black) Metallica (Justice) , I said this before, we don't need 10 minute songs, Metal killed itself just like Rap halfway down the 90's, just put out 10 good songs and leave all the skits and in and outro's , it's fuckin boring!!!!verse /chorus /verse /chorus!!!just my 50 cent pimpin and sippin on Heinekens!!!
I liked Impact and Justice. Some shit is too long though, I'll give you that. I just like Justice because it sounds like someone taught lars how to drum for that record. Sure enough the Black Albulm saw the return of the kick-snare-kick-snare-kick-snare-crash beet lars is used too.
Hair bands had a lot do with Metal passing on. Winger is a good example. That shit just sucked. And another example is Whitesnake going from a good hard rock band to a piece of shit hair band. An ocassional long song is okay but I don't always need some egostical guitar hero going off like 1975 for 10 hours either.
Ahh metal will never die,(old cliche, i know) I mean look at the scans for Damageplan or Probot. Headbangers Ball is doing well for Mtv. OzzFest is still going on, with one of the heaviest line-ups ever. No offense but just because Anthrax don't sell 250,000 albums and play areans doesn't mean that metal is dead. I wish it was different, I wish anthrax were playing areans and selling 250,000 cd's.
there just aint enough ass kickers out there at the moment,i do occasionaly like the heavier stuff and other weird stuff but for most people who just like good old heavy ass guitar riffs with solos that dont suck is a rarity these days.
yeah fuck hair bands. :bah: Metal will never die is right! As a matter of fact, I would'nt be surprised is in a few years, it started coming back. Shit runs in circles, especially when it comes to what's "cool" at any given time. Right now, music is infested with shit and more shit, but metal will have another swing at it eventually. Besides, there are some GREAT newer metal bands. Let's be clear that I just said NEWER not NU!!!! I really dig Arch Enemy and Withering Surface and Children of Bodem. Sure, it's not thrash metal, but what is anymore? Hopefully the new megadeth project will be good! :rock: Hey, I heard that Exodus and Testement were going to be releasing some new shit. That sounds good to me.
All these things like "metal is dead..." it´s all complete bullcrap. It´s the same thing like, let´s say, jazz. It was here, it is here, it will be here. Forever, because there always gonna be some people listening to it. Of course it´s not mainstream anymore and probably never be, but if there is only one addicted listener, it will never disappear. Only the people who have died are dead. Not music styles.
I can´t really see the "true metal" pose. I mean, bands like Hammerfall, swords, bulletbelts, it looks crazy and silly, it´s good to laugh at it but that´s all, basically.
And I always thought hairbands sucked and they do, but...hey, don´t stone me, but recently I listened to some Poison best-of cd and quite liked it. Still it´s better than the shit we´ve been fed in my homeland. And on top of that, there are LOTS of metalheads in Cz, metal is still pretty big. But media ignore it and they force us the worst shit you´ve ever heard.
The only reason Poison sounds good is because C.C. ripped of Randy Rhoades hard core. Example;

Compare "Aint lookin for nothin but a good time" ro "Flying high again"

It's the same song, same melody, with a slightly different meaning. A big F off to C.C. and his raspy ass annoying voice. I miss Randy. :waah:
Metal music is starting an upswing. But look at the last couple Ozzfest bands. It does seem to be Hot Topic metal. Metal is underground right now, way down. If it's popular, it's like what Korn said in that latest video, "Y'all Want A Single" and that it's following a specific formula. Linkin Park? You can pretty much hear their entire cd on the radio. Once you hear one song, you've pretty much heard them all. So what Charlie and Scott have been saying is true. Bands are following formula's and that's what the record company is pushing. Record companies suck. Look at Sanctuary, they're not pushing one of the best metal records ever.
personally i feel metal, that i like anyway, is dead for the most part. Metallica aint cutting it, Anthrax have done awesome, Megadeth aint around anymore, slayer is just slayer, too much of the same, i know i should expand a little but thats about all i like. Armored Saint i like some of their stuff, Maiden i didn't care for DoD. Priest will be a hope, just hope its not to pop-ish and more like Painkiller, such a great album. I'm looking for Thrash Band reccomendations, besides overkill and testament. thanks in advance.

"I've eaten from the insane root that imprison's reason"
RockBodom said:
Man, fuck off!!! C.C.DeVille ROCKS...and besides, everbody rips off everybody...even homer simpson knows that much!!!

Wow, Homer Simpson has just been used to dis me. I don't know if I am honored or what! Look, I'm not trying to piss anyone off here, but listen to those two songs back to back and then tell me what you have to say. I know everyone rips everyone off, but those two songs are the SAME. It is one thing to take an idea from somebody, it is another thing to take the same exact melody and call it your own. I'm gonna shut up before I say anything else that offends anyone. I still miss Randy :waah:
within last few months, I have got all styles of metal cds from:

symphony X, Dreamscape, Into Eternity

classical metal
Adagio, DGM

new Exodus

tons of death metal in Pig destroyer, Inhume, exhumed, misery index and tons of others

Just because Charlie doesn't have an eye on the underground, he has no clue what the tons of killer bands out there. Heck, most people only hear of mainstream acts like damageplan and slayer and think they know everything. I giggle alittle when charlie finds a band like dimmu borgir or lacuna coil and act like they are brandnew acts.:Smug: