Recent Deaths


Captain Information
Jan 2, 2006
huddersfield UK
recently we're losing a lot of people who have done some great things with their lives, legends if you will... people i've grown up with who have entertained me in one way or another...

People like Paul Newman, Roy Scheider, Stan Winston, Michael Crichton, Heath Ledger, Arthur C Clarke, Anthony Minghella, Norman Smith, Carmen Silva, Charlton Heston, Sydney Pollack, Don S Davis, George Carlin, Bo Diddley, Jeff Mackay, Isaac Hayes, Bernie Mac, Bernie Brillstein.... thats just in 2008,

its just sad, all these people had talent of some kind and they deserved to be where they were... whats it going to be like in 20 years with our current crop of "celebrities" - people who are famous for seemingly NOTHING.... like paris fucking hilton, just makes me wonder what its going to be like in years to come and we have hardly any legends left...
Is very sad rally, Michael Chrichton passing away was a bad one for me coz Ive read all of his books and Im an avid fan.

Here in Spain we have a saying. Somebody thats famous for doing nothing "Vive del Cuento" which means "lives of the Tale" as in a fairy tale or children´s tale. This applys for people that are famous on Tv for things like Big Brother, Gossip programs etc. where they get paid outrageous amounts of money to be on Tv criticizing everyone. Its bullshit.
I get where you're coming from Matt. I think there will be a few legends about in the future. Not many in the way of movie stars but there will be some. Perhaps all our musical heroes that are still living will get more recognition.
I was pissed when I found out that Charlton Heston was dead.
I had no idea that Don S Davis died! Stargate was awesome with him.

I fucking hate the time I live in, all the good ones die and the bad ones live on.
Tony Hart left us this weekend... he always seemed a true gentleman :( Let's hope Rolf has a few years left in him, it's people like those who inspire you when you're young and make you discover skills you didn't know you had...
its just sad, all these people had talent of some kind and they deserved to be where they were... whats it going to be like in 20 years with our current crop of "celebrities" - people who are famous for seemingly NOTHING.... like paris fucking hilton, just makes me wonder what its going to be like in years to come and we have hardly any legends left...

I'm not to sad about it. I mean when may dad was my age the captain and tennille, Charro, and the brady bunch, not to mention the goddamned osmonds, were a big deal. the guys that I think will be remembered will be the guys like Hugh Laurie, Steve Carell, Jack Black and the like.

woe to the day that William Shatner and Tom Brokaw die though.