Recent Mix - Deathcore (no click or DIs)


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Just finished this mix up for a semi-local band, hopefully going to do something with them this summer as far as a full length or EP goes.

I honestly have no idea what mics were used anywhere, and it wasn't recorded to a click, so I wasn't able to quantize the drums like I usually would, not to mention the vocals had super super audible room tones within the tracks... Turned out pretty solid, nonetheless!

American Runs The Show - 503:

I'm not a super huge fan of the music, but check them out on MySpace if you are!
Fucking good shit, dude! Definitely some of your best work, IMO.

What snare sampe(s) are we hearing here? Sounds like SD 2.0 by the room sound....
Sounds great to me, I like the way its tight but not machine tight to a click. I think it suits the music.
I actually listened to the sample on your site before seeing this thread. I really like the fact that it's not overly tight. I honestly can't tell it was without click. Your mixing probably affects this more than the tracking, but it sounds less sterile than most of the stuff in this genre we here on this forum.
Cheers for the comments, dudes! I ended up doing one more song for them and am supposed to mix the other 4 tracks they recorded in the same session... we'll see.

Here's the other song I did, for what it's worth!

What snare sampe(s) are we hearing here? Sounds like SD 2.0 by the room sound....

It's seriously 100% straight up Z1 Snare12a. API comp, apEQ, T-Racks clipper, and the LX480 verb on a bus. Parallel comp on the entire mix from Rocket, and that's pretty much it!
Cheers for the comments, dudes! I ended up doing one more song for them and am supposed to mix the other 4 tracks they recorded in the same session... we'll see.

Here's the other song I did, for what it's worth!

It's seriously 100% straight up Z1 Snare12a. API comp, apEQ, T-Racks clipper, and the LX480 verb on a bus. Parallel comp on the entire mix from Rocket, and that's pretty much it!

LX480 verb is the fucking tits, brah. =D