Recent Sneap Productions/Mixes

Sep 20, 2005
I try to buy most of the stuff that Andy works on but I'm having trouble keeping track of what he's been up to with no reliable or up to date discography. The last things I have are Megadeth and the Arch Enemy do-overs. What are some recent or upcoming things to look for?

Still a fanatic since I got into audio 5 years ago after hearing Wages of Sin! Thanks Andy!
new exodus and new nevermore come to mind

edit: as for recent stuff, the new megadeth is KILLER (edit2: but you mentioned that one already lol. guess i need to go to bed...). latest exodus wasn't too shabby either. nevermore tge also sounds *great* and obviously has some killer songs going on
The new Nevermore will be out soon too (hopefully).

I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven.
Speaking of that, what do you guys think is the best of Andy's recent mixes (as in the last 3 or so years)?

Endgame and The Atrocity Exhibition - Exhibit A for me. Andy is most definitely the best at thrash metal IMHO.
To be honest I haven't even heard half the albums he mixed, probably even less than half because there is a bunch of bands I don't really like (Cradle of Filth, Caliban, and a few more).
I do really dig the "Resurrection" mix and the "Endgame" mix is just about the best thrash metal mix around
Resurrection is one of my favorites for sure! probably my favorite recent Sneap thing. Bet it would have been even better if Andy had mastered. I can't imagine!
I definitely think Resurrection is easily better than End of Heartache. EoH almost sounds a little muddy in comparison, due to the emphasis on trying to get a "great" guitar sound that seems to cloud up the kick drums a bit.

@Sinister : It was actually probably for the better that a separate mastering engineer did the mastering. Sneap is obviously good at mastering, but Ted Jensen is well, Ted Jensen basically (godly mastering)
I definitely think Resurrection is easily better than End of Heartache. EoH almost sounds a little muddy in comparison, due to the emphasis on trying to get a "great" guitar sound that seems to cloud up the kick drums a bit.

@Sinister : It was actually probably for the better that a separate mastering engineer did the mastering. Sneap is obviously good at mastering, but Ted Jensen is well, Ted Jensen basically (godly mastering)

Hey I love Ted. He's "the guy". But Resurrection is a little extra squished for my tastes. Only problem I have with it, if you can really call it a problem.
I'm having trouble keeping track of what he's been up to with no reliable or up to date discography.

I've found this site helpful:

As for the mastering, I agree Ted Jensen is generally awesome but I too think Resurrection would have been sooo better had Andy mastered it himself. I wonder if it was a request by the Chimaira guys to get it so squashed and clipping.
Endgame was the first record since Rust In Peace that Megadeth have done that I can actually sit through from start to finish (yeah even though Andy worked on United Abominations, I thought half the songs totally sucked on that album)