Recently Vacated Graves: True Zombie Metal

Dec 5, 2002
Self described "Zombie Metal", this is a friend of mines project.

One man project with lots of guests on there CD's. The newest one entitled "Former Human Sergeant" was just just released. Fans of the original DOOM game should take note, the last track on the album, "Former Human Sergeant", is a 20 minute composition of music from the game (see yousendit below). I thought some of you might like this, its mindless fun anyhow.


Former Human Sergeant
(adapted from Doom)

Ohh yes this would make zombies proud for sure. I remember the first demo they put out, 14 songs all entitled "BRAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNSSSS" and with lyrics to match.
ok, that was fucking awesome. ive waited a long time to hear a metal version of the DOOM soundtrack, and although this one didnt even have all the riffs from it id like to hear, it was still fantastic and as dark and scary as you would hope and expect. give your friend a high five.