RECO: Persian Risk - Rise

Dec 27, 2004

1. Hold the line
2. Jane
3. Rise up
4. Brave new world
5. Don't turn around
6. Sky's falling down
7. Break free
8. Dark tower
9. Rip it up
10. Woman in Rock

You're complete vagina if you don't like this music. Everyone on here is always talking about beer drinking viking this, or party metal that, or "I'm to scared to listen to heavy fucking metal" the other. This music right here is the true party/drinking/fucking metal. They dont' sing about warriors but fucking each other on prairiers of grimness, sorry guys. Instead they sing about bitches, booze, and rock n roll.
Please listen to the yousendit sample of "Rip it Up" and try not to wear aviators and thrash 'til death. I could talk about the production and all that stupid boring shit, but instead I will say, if you put this music on, chicks will get naked and beer-taps will shoot up from your floor. This is a prime example of the NWOBHM I love so much, along with the likes of Tysondog and Avenger. Real thrashy at parts part still heaaaavyyyyyy and NWOBHM through and through.

Fucking yousendit is being gay, samples to come soon.
didn't phil campell from motorhead play with these at one point?

they did a couple of songs on an old ch4 tv show
+ fucked one up pretty badly

looking forward to the previews
the only song I remember by them was women in rock....which was pants
You're complete vagina if you don't like this music. Everyone on here is always talking about beer drinking viking this, or party metal that, or "I'm to scared to listen to heavy fucking metal" the other. This music right here is the true party/drinking/fucking metal. They dont' sing about warriors but fucking each other on prairiers of grimness, sorry guys. Instead they sing about bitches, booze, and rock n roll.
Please listen to the yousendit sample of "Rip it Up" and try not to wear aviators and thrash 'til death. I could talk about the production and all that stupid boring shit, but instead I will say, if you put this music on, chicks will get naked and beer-taps will shoot up from your floor. This is a prime example of the NWOBHM I love so much, along with the likes of Tysondog and Avenger. Real thrashy at parts part still heaaaavyyyyyy and NWOBHM through and through.

Fucking yousendit is being gay, samples to come soon.

hahahaha ... fucking love that review
"Rip It Up" is a pretty good song, not on the side of NWOBHM i really love though.
It's a pity that this kind of music is just mentioned only as "party music", "beer music" "to drink beers with". It's much more than this.