Recommend a chorus pedal


Jan 31, 2007
Anyone have a suggestion for a chorus pedal? Not looking for anything really fancy, just a good sounding chorus for clean picked parts. Thought about maybe a used Boss CE-5 or something similar.

Dude, email pro guitar shop and ask for a recomendation...a friend did this and he bought and extremely lush and delicate chorus, it is just beautiful. I just cant remember the brand right now.
I hate chorus effect but if I have to use one, it's generally the good old Boss CH-1.
TC Electronic Corona Chorus. Reasonably priced and sounds great, loads of variety in it too. I've a few chorus pedals here and this one wins out. A lot of chorus pedals sound very "digital" and hollow but the TC is really warm and adds depth.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys.

I was originally thinking of a used CE-5 or CH-1 just for something cheap and easy to find. I'll look into the other suggestions, but don't want to spend much, though.
