Recommend me a passive bridge pickup


Prettiest Hair Around
Oct 31, 2006
Well after trying to find someone to install an emg in my guitar with a passive in the neck I give up the idea. Two out of the four people wouldnt even do it and the other two would charge 90 bucks. They all recommend getting another active in the neck and even then it would cost about the same to install both. So i'm just going to go all passive. What's a good passive pickup that is coil tappable for extreme metal stuff in B standard tuning. I have a schecter c1xxx guitar(mahogany body,maple neck, and rosewood fretboard). The duncan designed pickup I have now just doesnt have enough definition and power to it that i'd like. Also, what do you think of the device a company named shadow makes that turns your passive pickups into actives. It's 120 bucks. Anyone have any thoughts on it? Here is the link to it

It looks cool and would save me money, time and give me more flexability. I'd appreciate your help on this.
the duncan designed pickups i have in my guitar right now sound too scratchy. Im looking for a tight/clear sound with some balls behind it. Think I should get an emg hz and then use it with that shadow cable device that turns it active? What would be the best passive pickup thats sounds closest to an emg 81?
the duncan designed pickups i have in my guitar right now sound too scratchy. Im looking for a tight/clear sound with some balls behind it. Think I should get an emg hz and then use it with that shadow cable device that turns it active? What would be the best passive pickup thats sounds closest to an emg 81?

If you want the 81 sound, why not get an 81?
thanks for the suggestions. Man I have a lot of research to do. Sooo many pickups to choose from. Metalhead, I like the tones you get(I have seen you on before when I posted there). What pickup would you recommend. I know your a passive guy, correct? I'd appreciate any other suggestions. I am very intrigued by that shadow device as well.
Buy a soldering iron and do it for yourself!!

wish it were that easy. I have a soldering iron and solder and everything. I just don't know how to do this shit. I cant find a proper diagram and it's a bit more complicated to do when I orginally had a passive pickup in. How lond would it take? The techs I talked to act like it's a big job. That of course would be the ideal solution, to install the emg myself. But that shadow device thingy seems like it cost solve my problem and just make my passive pickup active. That's why I want a nice new passive in my bridge that sounds close to an emg.
why not have have a go at installing it yourself? do have access to a soldering iron and a router? basic knowledge of how to use a few tools can go a long way. that aside, jb or full shred, also the invader pickup is pretty sweet aswell
wish it were that easy. I have a soldering iron and solder and everything. I just don't know how to do this shit. I cant find a proper diagram and it's a bit more complicated to do when I orginally had a passive pickup in. How lond would it take? The techs I talked to act like it's a big job. That of course would be the ideal solution, to install the emg myself. But that shadow device thingy seems like it cost solve my problem and just make my passive pickup active. That's why I want a nice new passive in my bridge that sounds close to an emg.

Its a big job because its a pain in the head:

* passive pickups require 500 or 250kOhms pots.
* active ones require 50 or 25kOhms pots.

Thats why EMGs come with its own pots. they won't work properly with 500K ones. And the same goes for the passives using 25/50K pots.

see the problem?

my advice: don't complicate. go passive or go active.

You can go active and disconnect the passive one you have. save some bucks then install other later. You can find diagrams for 1 EMG on they're site.
I am thinking about going that route. Just use the bridge pickup for now until i have more money to get another active. Is that a hard job? Even doing that a tech would charge 70 bucks. I can't afford that shit.
Well, none of them are going to sound like an EMG 81. If you know that you're after that sound, I would do what VH100 said and just bypass your neck PU for now and install the 81.
If you buy a new EMG it will come with all the hardware and electronics and nice instructions for installing it. If you're handy with a soldering iron, have at it!
its not the actual soldering that im worried about, it's knowing exactly what wires to solder and everything. I the diagrams are not very clear and I cant seem to find one that applies to my guitar. I'm still open to passives. I just am looking for a tight/clear/massive sound. If there is a passive that can do that them i'm open to that. Like I said, I will be buying that shadow device too.