Recommend me a PRO monitor upgrade


Nov 14, 2006
I´m considering a monitor upgrade from my Mackie HR824. I know they are not the very best on the market but I know how they sound.

Anyway, I´m wanting to upgrade and consider these options:

1. Genelec 1031
2. Genelec 1032 with Sub 7070
3. K+H o300

My control room is rather small so I don´t know if a sub would make sense.
What do you think about these options?
I know some guys here really hype the K+H´s....:)
But the 1031 seems to be the most used ones (although they are discontinued now). But are they really such a big step up from the Mackies?
And what about the 1032? Why aren´t they used that often?
i got the event opal 3 months ago and all of a sudden all my mixes translate way better on small / cheap systems.
cant say how impressed i am that mixing and mastering could have gotten THAT easy ;-)

honestly, these monitors really make me self confident about my mixing!
Go with the genelecs 1031....I have the 1030 version and I love it, in a future I'll buy the 1031.
i got the event opal 3 months ago and all of a sudden all my mixes translate way better on small / cheap systems.
cant say how impressed i am that mixing and mastering could have gotten THAT easy ;-)

honestly, these monitors really make me self confident about my mixing!


The Opals are the most cost effective high-end monitors available at the moment. They sound much much more expensive than they are.

Common room acoustics would fall short way before the Opals do.

The Opals are the most cost effective high-end monitors available at the moment. They sound much much more expensive than they are.

Common room acoustics would fall short way before the Opals do.

+ 1


ermz : have you received the measuring microphone that event promised ?
mine still hasnt arrived :-(
We have the 1031's at our university and I really have to say that the treble is really unpleasureable to listen to compared to the newer 8000 series monitors, especially if mixing metal, thats why my mixes there usually end really dark sounding. I would suggest 8050's instead.
So I decided and will get the 1032´s with the sub tomorrow. I´m so excited....
If anybody needs my Mackies they are for sale now.
O300 or barefoots
thw 1031 are really cool IMO, although they have got a weird hole in the lowmids etc...but still, I like working on them (will perhaps get another pair to compliment my o300).
the o300 can hardly be beat IMO
the barefoots are a little bit our of my price range...
anyway, i got a good price (2400 euro) for the genelecs with sub. getting them tomorrow. but i was really considering the o300. will you get the subs?
+ 1


ermz : have you received the measuring microphone that event promised ?
mine still hasnt arrived :-(

The calibration mics haven't rolled out yet. They've had a ton of setbacks in this regard. Peter was telling me he'd send the kit over like a month or two ago, yet it didn't happen. Must be some pretty hefty issues they are ironing out.
don't think I'll have the cash for the sub.
thing is the o300 really don't need a sub...I'm still gassing for it though.....but if you decide to go with the o300 you really won't need the sub, the 0300 have a very clear and very low bass.
that's why I got them in the first place...I wanted to eliminate the need for a sub ;)
That's how the Focal Solo 6's are, no need for a sub. And man let me tell you, everything sounds very 3 dimensional on those things! You almost have a new problem, in that everything sounds good on them. I can't wait to do my first mix down on them!
So I got the 1032 with the sub. AWESOME!

I was nearly shocked how big the stereo field is and how detailed everything sounds.
I need to redo all my mixes....
best buy ever.
Although setting up the sub is really a pain in the ass.
So I got the 1032 with the sub. AWESOME!

I was nearly shocked how big the stereo field is and how detailed everything sounds.
I need to redo all my mixes....
best buy ever.
Although setting up the sub is really a pain in the ass.

Congrats on the new monitors man!