Recommend me (good) anti-capitalist extreme metal

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
Something conceptually related to Buried Inside's Chronoclast, for example.

Please, do not recommend anti-religious stuff of any form, as I have an overabundance of material that concerns itself with that topic already--a topic that seems to be, in my opinion, quite out of touch with the true ills of the world (i.e. corporatization, hegemony, commodification, reification, etc.).

I should also note that the ideology behind the lyrics/music does not necessarily have to be Marxist in nature/bent (as terms like hegemony and reification might otherwise indicate), but rather just critical of the culture of clandestine control and domination by the few (heading towards a new feudal age, if you will) to the unsavory conditions of the many.

Finally, the music should also be of the utmost quality as well--no trendy BS, or hamfisted attempts at extremism.

Certainly the album S.E.T.I. by the band The Kovenant is a must, a real gem. Also look into Solefald, songs such as Backpacka Baba, Philosophical Revolt, etc.. and definitely Age of Silence, songs such as Synthetic, Fabricated, Calculated (all one song title), Acceleration, The Concept of Haste, etc...
Anything else?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? It seems to me metal is generally overly concerned with irrelevant topics in political philosophy--I am just looking for something that isn't necessarily about a great game of D&D one had when they were 15, or 'hail satan' ad nauseum. I want something more relevant and 'real' for lack of a better term.
Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/Big America (Relevant to what is happening now tbh)
Corrosion of Conformity - Dirty Hands Empty Pockets/Already Gone
Toxik - Spontaneous, Greed
Anything else?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? It seems to me metal is generally overly concerned with irrelevant topics in political philosophy--I am just looking for something that isn't necessarily about a great game of D&D one had when they were 15, or 'hail satan' ad nauseum. I want something more relevant and 'real' for lack of a better term.

They're not exactly anti-capitalist, but Gojira's lyrics are enviromental based and usually deal with more political topics - or are at least more spiritual. Cynic also for more new-age metal.

Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet (not strictly metal, more prog rock with a bit of metal) deals with the idea of technology isolation and devolution of the youth. I think its all good shit. I agree that constant anti-religious and gore lyrics get seriously boring.
Corrosion of Conformity - Long Whip/Big America (Relevant to what is happening now tbh)
Corrosion of Conformity - Dirty Hands Empty Pockets/Already Gone
Toxik - Spontaneous, Greed

I just noticed you actually wanted extreme metal. While CoC is sludge and Toxik is thrash, the lyrics are what you're looking for here. Hope you don't mind.
Yeah as I was writing my last post I realized that Thrash in general is more politically aware than other metal genres--and I do already have some Toxik, but I'll check out CoC as well.

Thanks for the recs, dudes.
Anything else?

Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? It seems to me metal is generally overly concerned with irrelevant topics in political philosophy--I am just looking for something that isn't necessarily about a great game of D&D one had when they were 15, or 'hail satan' ad nauseum. I want something more relevant and 'real' for lack of a better term.
At least some songs on Détente's "Recognize No Authority" ("Blood I Bleed", "Vultures In The Sky", "Holy War" - the lyrics of the latter refer to the Iraq/Iran-war in the eighties), Fear Of God's "Diseased" on their debut "Within The Veil" and Ice Age's songs "Instant Justice", "Fleet Street" and "In The Name Of Science" might be in the vein of what you are looking for. Maybe also songs like "The Fall Of Reason", "Control And Resistance" and "Dangerous Toy" by Watchtower, "The Leaders?" by Hades or "True Lies" by Mekong Delta.