Recommend me some badass death metal. With groove.

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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I've been a sucker for really groovy death metal and deathgrind lately, and have barely touched the technical stuff I possess. Thing is, I need more bands to listen to. Here are some bands that I currently enjoy:

The County Medical Examiners
Cannibal Corpse
Cryptopsy's "Blasphemy Made Flesh"
Decrepit Birth's "Gradually Melted" (perhaps not THAT groovy, but still)
Dismember's "Like An Ever Flowing Stream"
Morbid Angel's first two

In other words, I'm not looking for über-technical stuff with tempo changes all the time (see Suffocation's "Pierced From Within), but some more groovy DM. Not melodic death, though.
Devourment is groovy as all hell.

Blood Red Throne (but you already know them)

Sepsism is groovy as feck.

Abuse....Intense Hammer Rage.....Disgorge (I think)

Hell, there's tonnes of deathgrind that's groovy!
"With groove"

Check out Decapitated.

Neuraxis is also very good, an excellent mix of brutal and melodic death metal, and just go with the other bands that are listed above.
Thanks for the recommendations, all =)

Under a Stone said:
I'll recommend Lord Gore's The Autophagous Orgy and Mortal Decay's Forensic.

Haven't heard anything of them, so I'll download some samples as soon as possible.

Spirit In Black said:
Suffocation - I actually find these a tad overrated, and not very groovy either (at least not "Pierced From Within" - "Effigy Of The Forgotten" is much better)
Unleashed - Will check out
Leng T'che (actually grind) - Will check out
Dying Fetus - Already love them =)
Disavowed - Has been supposed to check them out for ages, will do now
Pyrexia - Same
Deepred - Never heard of, will check them out
Despised Icon - Same
Vomit Remnants - Been supposed to check these guys out for ages too =)
Aborted - I enjoy their "Goremageddon" release quite a lot

SculptedCold said:
Devourment is groovy as all hell. - Yeah, 1.3.8 is a killer release in my book :)

Blood Red Throne (but you already know them) - Indeed, one of my favourite DM bands

Sepsism is groovy as feck. - Will check out asap

Abuse....Intense Hammer Rage.....Disgorge - Already familiar with IHR and Disgorge. Abuse, on the other hand, will have to be checked out.

Barnolde said:
Check out Decapitated. - I'm a huge fan of them, especially "Nihility", although I think "The Negation" is a slight disappointment.

Neuraxis is also very good, an excellent mix of brutal and melodic death metal, and just go with the other bands that are listed above. - I've read lots of good stuff about these guys. Time for me to check them out, then =)

TakinTheMusicBack said:

Already familiar with those, and apart from Death, they are all great in my book :)

Well, that was a most unneccessary reply, but I just felt like doing it.. Will get back to you after I've heard the bands listed :)
(early) Entombed-Left Hand Path
Old and of pretty good vintage now. Not as technical as most other bands but they hold their own...

edit: Whiskey reeking havoc on the spelling, my bad....

I'll be quiet now...
I'm surprised you don't think Suffocation groovy.......I think they have some of the best groove riffs in death metal.....

Immolation also make some wicked grooves.....strange but groovy
With groove? Some of these bands are better than others, but they all have a good amount of groove in their sound, as opposed to straightforward all out blasting brutality:

The Chasm
Wicked Innocence
Dying Fetus