Recommend me some good TV shows/Movies/B-Movies!


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Due to being laid off, I have a fuck-twat of free time on my hands for the next little while. So, I thought, its time to indulge in various media forms, both old and new, that I have been missing out on.

Start listing, droogs. :loco:
ive become addicted to scrubs of late...

watch it in bed before falling asleep
Yeah, I'll probably catch up on that, see if I can see why people like it so much...

Right now I'm downloading 2 MST3k's, Santa Claus Conquers The Martians and Hercules Against The Moon Men.
i only watch it cause Dr. Reed is much hotter than when she was on Roseanne...
Nobody dislikes Scrubs. It's a fact. If they do, they're mentally retarded.

Scrubs is an absolutely amazing show. Period.
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. It's probably the funniest show on TV right now. Every episode practically has me crying in laughter.
Yeah, actually started watching that a few weeks back. Very amusing. Kicks off especially in the second season. 3rd season is going pretty steady as well.

"Seriously, Paul. I do wish this was a vacation. I really think you could use a break from all this scientist's work. It's almost as if you've been doing too much science!"

"Too much science, is that possible?! Seriously, Betty, you know what this meteor could mean to science. If we find it, and it's real, it could mean a lot. It could mean actual advances in the field of science!"

"Well, I know, I'm used to it I guess. You might say I'm a scientist's wife."

"There's a lot in what you say, Betty. In many ways, it's hard to be a scientist's wife, the wife of a scientist... and yet in other ways.. it's good, really good."