Recommend me some weird music

Faith No More

Dillinger Escape Plan

System Of A Down

John Zorn

Frank Zappa

old Incubus





Citizen King
Stockhausen- Xenakakis.

Stockhausen has a song in which the climax is made with a helicopter lifting off- god what a genius.
Frank Zappa- His music inspired a handful of prog bands today, and let me just say he had a very peculiar sense of humor when it came to the way he played music...just listen to his live album, "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore!"

Antimatter- Very dark, ambient music...soothing, and at the same time broodingly mysterious...

Godspeed You Black Emperor!- VERY unusual can tell they put a lot of emotion into what they play, something that's hard to come by these days...

Ephel Duath- odd progressive-sounding time changes, all mixed in with a very jazzy form of metal that incorporates two vocalists portraying two different who floors you by screaming at the top of his lungs, and the other who sort of lays you down easily with a deep, lulling voice.

Burzum- I thought it was odd the first time I heard it, and I was impressed...Burzum's music is, for lack of a better description, FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! There's just no proper way to explain it, listen for yourself and pick up "Det Som En Gang Var" or "Hvis Lyset Tar Oss," you won't be disappointed.

Dream Theater- Well, they're not so much "weird" as they are strikingly original. Some love them, others can't stand them, but the fact is if you haven't heard them, you're sorely missing out on one of the world's most prevalent bands.

Every Time I Die- This band is insane...I've only been listening to them for a few months now and I think they're incredible. The abrupt mood changes, the haunting lyrics, the intense vocals, the complex, sometimes bizarre instrumentals...listen for yourself, go purchase "Last Night in Town" or "Hot Damn!," or just download the song "Punch-Drunk, Punk Rock Romance" and see if you like it(just don't download the entire thing, if you can afford to pay for an ISP, you can afford the damn album).