
If you want to hear some songs before you actually buy anything, go to their website, for some clips of Eight Moons. There used to be a free download of the video for 'Empires of the Worlds' on their label's website,, but I'm not sure if that's still available.

If you like, get both the albums they are both awesome. If you prefer some less heavy stuff, get Eight Moons first and move on to Empires.

p.s. also, just a technicality, but it's spelt 'recommend'. Sorry I'm a bit of a spelling nazi.
MTLHEAD_789 said:
hey can anyone reccomend me some songs, and albums. i've heard good things about this band...wanna listen to them..

:wave: Welcome to the forum:wave:

Also check out where you can hear 3 tracks from the 'The Empires of the Worlds' and one track from their debut 'EightMoons':)
Pretty much anything! 8 moons i had problems finding, but empires is available in all big record stores (i got mine from HMV)

Yeh, you should do it's awesome!

And lo and behold, someone has changed the spelling!
I always do...what can I say.

Plus, I think (like everyone!) I have a whole bladder on reserve to piss my panties when nevermore and biomechanical EVENTUALLY get it together and give us a tour together!!!
