RECOMMENDATION: Antaeus - De Principii Evangelikum

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
Antaeus - De Principii Evangelikum


1. Intro / Intravenal Call
2. De Principii Evangelikum
3. Seen Through Skarz
4. Wormz On Day VI
5. Nave X Kathedral
6. Illegal Angelz
7. Xristik Throne
8. Sanctus
9. Blood War III
10. Outro

This SLAB of fucking violent black metal is something you might enjoy if you think the brutality of VON mixed with the religious aspect of DEATHSPELL OMEGA and the weirdness of... Something weird sounds nice. In terms of atmosphere if that's a fitting word. Don't get me wrong now, this isn't bass dronage through sixteen different layers of effects, it simply fucks with your mind kind of in the same way as a meat grinder would with your body should you ever venture into one. Following the discreetly titled debut, Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan, this is a step forward in all directions - even more complex, fucked up lyrics teamed with violent fucking force that surpasses most other black metal bands of today with ease and not sounding like anything else really.

Once again, one piece VON, one piece Deathspell Omega and a huge fucking mental bulldozer made of rotting meat and barbed wire down your throat and making its way towards hell just stopping by to tear you a new navel. All in a neat piece of plastic.
Crushing and evil. Those riffs on "Wormz On Day VI" fucking slay. Definitely not for everyone though, this is in your face and brutal. I like "Wormz..." better than "Intravenal Call" based on the riffage, but in the right mood, these guys can definitely provide a nice release, particularly in a live setting. Thumbs somewhere between "in the middle" and "up". Thanks fotmbm!

EDIT - just heard the third upload "Blood War III". Seriously good shitz there. :headbang:
My pleasure, definately not for everyone but definately for me. And I just though of Nocturnus - the Key as another possible recommendation so check that one out too. It feels like death metal... but in a SPACE WAR! And really good.
And this Antaeus album is very good. I had a promo and I might buy it someday along with "CYFAWS". Arkhon Infaustus are their more brutal twin band, quite good band too, especially a strong "Perdition Insanibilis"
Ellestin said:
So JayK have you checked Demimonde at all? I don't think I remeber you left a word. Because there are some HEAVY Nocturnus traits in there :cool:

No not yet, but I will do for sure!!

(I can't download during the day at work, and I try to avoid the PC in the evening so sometimes I miss our reco samples. That said, I will get to them all eventually because they are easy to search for now).
Haven't heard this album yet, although I've listened to Cut Your Flesh And Worship Satan a fair few times. Not a bad band, but a bit too raw for my likings.
"Wormz on Day VI":

It's funny because this COULD end up falling into the godawful Hate Eternal bucket of just random drumming and riffs, but there is SOME rhythm/pattern/groove to be found here. The production helps a lot -- the distortion is as smooth as snake shit.

The fact that it's less than 3 minutes long helps too. Short blasts of fookin' fury is all you need. More extreme bands need to remember that.
"Intro/Intravenal Call" thoughts: this is pretty relentless, brutal and raw. I'm not sure if it's the crappy 128 kbs MP3 (sorry Mike) or the overall unwavering (read: sameyness) flow of the song, but it's not kicking my dick in or anything. 6/10
"Blood War III" thoughts: blastarama! I actually am digging the machine-gun like, staccato drumming here. Very militaristic, and I suppose it's worth pointing out that this guy's vocals are fucking SICK. Some nice mid-paced guitar work in the middle too. I like this song the best for sure. 8/10
I have both this one and Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan, but haven't gotten around to listening to the former much at all. CYFaWS is vile stuff though and highly enjoyable. Nice little buzzsaw sound overtop of the music gives it a nice chilling little atmosphere, the vocals are sick, the riffs slice and dice and there is plenty of variation in the music and shifting drum work to conjure up a nice militaristic black metal atmosphere.