Recommendation: Arkona (Rus) - Vozrozhdenie


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
So here I am, its Saturday... And my new puter didn't show up Friday as it was supposed to. So I can't rip one of the original one I was planning on doing. I shall do that as soon as my new puter shows up. Till then, I have to settle for my safety (which this reco may not be so much of a reco, as much as it is a reminder to everyone of a band) that I was luckily able to find someone with MP3s of this album, who was also willing to upload them for me (the latter was the hard part to find... Thanks Wolfytribey). Enough about that though (Though do excuse any and all idiotic ranting in the following):

Arkona are Russian Folky Pagan Metal with an extremely hot chick front-lady (I thought I'd point that out...). As much as I love all their albums, I felt this one was a good one for people new to Arkona. The music combines many a folk instrument with ripping guitar lines and epic drumming... Everything comes together exteremly well. Vocals switch between Masha's Clean and some guys (Can't remember his name, and if I go to check, I lose all I've typed so far) slight growly, almost thrashy, vocal. A few growls are done by Masha herself, though not many.

My only small complaint is the song structure on most of the songs follows a common formula, which you will see in my samples.

Enough of me trying to say shit and play with this fucking remote, just listen to it.

(Album now added!).


1. Kolyada -
2. Maslenitsa
3. K Domu Svaroga -
4. Vozrozhdenie
5. Chernye Vorony
6. Rus
7. Brate Slavyane
8. Soinsevorot
9. Pod Mechami -
10. Po Zverinym Tropam
11. Zalozhny
12. Zov Predkov

Another Reco to come later this week... What it is depends on if I am able to rip CD's or not.
This is a pretty good album, but honestly, I like "Vo Slavu Velikim" a bit more. It comes off as less symphonic and maybe even less "jolly" I think (though there are a few awesome dancey moments).
That said, the chorus for Kolyada is catchy as hell.
Heh, I find Vo Slavu to be waaay more 'jolly' than Vozrozhdenie...

The amount of 'jolly' in the song Skvoz Tuman Vekov (I think thats the name) is enough to make even the most serious of leg-less man stand up, giggle, and dance.
Hell yes, another rock solid pagan/viking metal recommendation from EricT. The female vocals are a tad cheesy in parts, but this is good stuff overall. Nice folky vibe.
this reminds me of pagan reign

except with clean female vocals....that aren't operatic for once, thank fuk

I'm going through all their live stuff on youtube. I guaran-damn-tee this is a band better live than on CD, as is the case with so many heathen bands
Kolyada: Ok melodic typical euro power metal, the standout for me was that doubled layered vocals in the chorus.
K Domu Svaroga: Kinda the same, maybe few more interesting guitars in this one.
Pod Mechami: some more interesting keyboard melodies, instead of guitars in this one.
Overall, i think this is "meh". i understand why some people like it though. What i'll never understand is why bands like this one are called "pagan" or "folk", just because they add some silly and happy keyboard melodies and some harsh vocals to what simply is generic euro power metal. If this is folk or pagan, then even Blind Guardian in their folkier moments are barbaric heathens who practice rituals to mother earth 24 h/day with blood of christians all over their face.