Recommendation: Aska - Avenger

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey

1. Crown of Thorns
2. Leather
3. Escape : Victorious
4. Angels of War
5. Prelude to Darkness
6. Eternal Night
7. Imperial Rome
8. Against the Gods
9. Lethal Injection
10. Valkyries
11. Warriors Return

Quite honestly, I had no idea what CD to recommend here. Most of the music in my collection, that strays from mainstream (well... the Metal mainstream), I've discovered through this forum. And it's quite unlikely that I'm going to recommend anything Black, Brutal or Pagan, of quality, that the regulars aren't already well acquainted with. That in mind, I decided to go with a personal favorite; Aska.

Like many genres, Power Metal is hardly overflowing with originality. Often, what separates loving or being uninterested in a particular Power Metal band, comes down to the vocalist. And therein lies the reason I so enjoy this band. Vocalist George Call just knows how to bring it. His voice isn't especially original, but when it's time to for the vocals to take a song to the next level, he brings it... in abundance. For evidence, just give a listen to "Crown of Thorns" from the 3:36 mark to the 4:15 mark, and Valkyries, 2:07 to 2:45.

Musically Aska breaks no new ground. They are old school, through and through. They wear their dual allegiances to Manowar and Maiden on their sleeve, like the proud children of the that they are. Personally, I dig the way the Manowar "cheese factor" is mitigated by the Maiden vibe. In kind, I dig the fun aspect that the Manowar influence has over their Maidenesque leanings.

All in all, I don't know that a disc like this will find much of an audience here. But if one person digs it, and buys the disc, mission accomplished.

Man, that cover is awesome. It looks like Iron Justice, from that show Beavis and Butthead always watched.
Digging this in a "it's well played good 'ol traditional metal" way. This would be a great album to throw on driving down to Atlantic City with a few semi-drunk friends on a Saturday afternoon in July. Thumbs up Greg!

BTW - did you ever get a chance to check out those Stigmata IV songs I uploaded awhile back?
It's good stuff for sure. I remember Zod playing this to me in his Jeep on the way back from OzzFest (just to wash our ears out from all the clearchannel whores).

One thing worth mentioning is indeed the vocals. It's evident right on the first track that this guy is a mix between Eric Adams and Ronnie James Dio. In fact, the Dio worship on some of his vocals is overwhelming.

To hear this stuff live would rule (provided they keep all that gregorian monk chants etc too).
Well, if you're comapring the vocals (something that usually throws me off about power metal) to Dio, maybe I'll check this out when I'm at home.
Hmm...he doesn't do the Dio stuff on the "Lethal Injection" track -- is that a LEHTAL cover? :loco: Not sure about that track...

"Valkyries" is cheesy as hell. Oh man... :lol: ......guilty pleasures all the way. Obvious Maidenclone riffs and the vocals are good, but still not as good as they were on the opening track.

Crown of Thorns >> Valkyries >>> Lethal Injection

Overall, much more Manowar than Maiden just for its simplicity I guess. Good fun for a summer drive down the highway. :cool:
JayKeeley said:
"Valkyries" is cheesy as hell. Oh man... :lol: ......guilty pleasures all the way. Obvious Maidenclone riffs and the vocals are good, but still not as good as they were on the opening track.
Exactly right, cheesy, but in a good way.

JayKeeley said:
Crown of Thorns >> Valkyries >>> Lethal Injection

JayKeeley said:
Overall, much more Manowar than Maiden just for its simplicity I guess. Good fun for a summer drive down the highway. :cool:
Agreed again.

"Lethal Injection" thoughts: Ok, see now this song is what I personally love about this type of metal. Wicked riff, great vocal melodies (and far more influenced by Maiden than anything else), great little "80s style licks" for lack of a better way to describe. The chorus is kind of gay, but whatever. 8/10 at least.
"Valkyries" thoughts: woah, did Joey DeMaio pen this track? Combines the best parts of the last 2 songs I just listened to. Total "rocking" heavy metal, very simple, very headbangalicious, in other words, very ManOwaR. Kickass. 8/10

So, in summation:
Lethal Injection > Valkyries >>> Crown of Thorns

Funny that my order is in exact reverse of JayK's :tickled: