Recommendation: Magyar Posse - Random Avenger


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002

  1. Whirlpool of Terror And Tension
  2. Sudden Death
  3. Black Procession
  4. European Lover / Random Avenger
  5. Intercontinental Hustle
  6. One By One
  7. Popzag
Forget what you read in your latest indie hipster "zine", don't let them tell you this is more goddamn post-rock.

It was a cold and lonely night. ENNIO MORRICONE was drunkenly roaming the streets after an evening filled with champaign and frivolity. He veered off into an alley and thereupon was gang-raped by GOBLIN. 9 months later there was an unholy birth and that bastard child was MAGYAR POSSE.

The music is soundtracks to films that do not exist. The eloquence is such that worlds a born from the sheer vividness of what is scored. These Finnish folks masquerading as Magyars epicly flow from Goblin-esque giallo-prog to Morricone elegance to Krautrock soundscapes and more.

They climbed several steps with this new one. Even though "Kings of Time" was already a keystone of triumphant cinematic post-rock, the new songs are shouldering a much heavier load of inspiration, beauty, youth... That's the one to raise Magyar Posse among the likes of GY!BE, though they can hardly be pigeonholed classic post-rock.
Hey, I like this.
Hey, what's going on.
Hey, Hey, I'm that okay Metallica song turned awful Kid Rock ditty.
I've already checked this one out...nice recommendation. I agree about the cinematic aspects here, especially on the first track, which is an acquired taste because of those vocal chants, but quickly grows on you. No such reservations about Sudden Death, which is excellent from start to finish.
dill_the_devil said:
This is really, really good stuff.

Haven't you said that about basically every single recommendation?

Honestly, I think most of them have been very average.
Nope - didn't think much of Gotham City, one of Demonspell's dark/ambient recos didn't grab me at all, I didn't even bother listening to some neo-folk album someone recommended. But generally, I've enjoyed most of the recommendations - there's only one or two that I'm going to seriously consider buying, but there's only been a few so far that I've gone 'nah' to as well.

Besides, I try to comment on all of the recos so the thread poster knows it hasn't gone ignored.
I haven't heard any of Magyar Posse's previous albums, I'll have to go back and check out Kings of Time, I guess!

I didn't know that they were already moderately known around here, I only saw a mention or two in the past, and only then in a passing name drop.

Thanks for listening.